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Date Posted: 2021-09-05 09:24:30
Author: Steven
Subject: Back to school after barefoot summer holidays

We are living in a house with a daughter of nine and a son of seven, both going to primary school. So far mum and dad used to wear slippers at home, the kids were usually in socks.

After hearing and reading a lot about how it's healthier for children to grow up barefoot, we decided to introduce something new this summer: From now on our home would be a barefoot zone. And not just that, after a great fun day of playing games in the garden and park, all family barefoot, our kids liked it so much that we decided to let them go out barefoot every day during the summer holidays. We put all their shoes in a closet in the basement and just reminded them to be careful of where they step.

So they were not just barefoot when playing around the house or at the playground, but also when cycling, going to town, to the beach and lake of course, even when hiking to a mountain. But also when taking them shopping. This brought about great excitement, the kids were confidently going out barefoot and did so surprisingly well, sometimes having a giggle peeking at their own dirty soles. Within a few weeks they got remarkably stronger, more muscular with more leathery soles.

Now it's time to go back to school. Asking our kids whether they want to put on shoes again we got a decisive "No". We didn't find any regulation about footwear in the school's rulebook. So they both went barefoot to school on their first day and will continue to do so, so far there have been no complaints, though they say a few other kids were curious ... They just told them it's how they like it.

I guess we took the right decision! We'll see how much longer into the autumn they'll continue to go barefoot, at some point it's time to buy new shoes when it gets too cold but we're looking into "minimalist/barefoot shoes" for the winter.

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