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Date Posted: 2023-04-05 02:03:47
Author: Susan
Subject: Re: How often do you walk barefoot?
In reply to: Jiuk23 's message, "Re: How often do you walk barefoot?" on 2023-04-04 08:14:34

>So I guess they don't go unnoticed in the school.
>Especially if they wear their brightly coloured

That's what we recently talked about in family. We came to the conclusion that if you like to walk barefoot it's perfectly healthy and fine and part of your personal style, no need to hide it. While it's still a little cold it's just bare feet under long pant legs and leggings, in summer they wear shorts and love to show off their sun tan all the way to their toes ... either way I think it's stylish and cute, it's how they like to be and nobody should object.

>In any case, I think they are among the healthiest
>children in the school.

Fortunately we made it through the whole Covid pandemic without a single infection in the whole family. Keeping fit and walking barefoot is just one element besides knowing when to keep distance from others, washing hands, getting all the vaccinations, wearing a mask if we can't avoid crowded situations. And "ordinary cold" that's also long ago.

>Yes, that's true, but in any case I imagine their feet
>must be dirty at the end of the day so it shouldn't
>even be a problem.

Depending where they walk, their soles will be stained gray where they touch the ground, darker on dry days. That shouldn't really disturb anyone while their toenails and the top of their feet are clean and they wipe their feet when they come in anywhere (I guess their bare soles are still cleaner than most shoes). Now when playing outside in their spare time they're free to get muddy as long as they wash themselves afterwards, but they shouldn't go to school like that.

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