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Date Posted: 2023-08-05 08:09:34
Author: Steff
Subject: Re: Exploring your city
In reply to: Hugo 's message, "Re: Exploring your city" on 2023-08-05 00:58:10

Hello Anita and hugo, thank you very much for your response and your reply which I read carefully. Indeed, we are true barefoot city dwellers.
Yes, I go barefoot with them as much as possible. Let's say I'm with them 70% of the time. My children are barefoot 100% of the time.
I can see why your kids like rounded paving stones. It's one of the best textures to discover and feel.

Let me tell you about my day.

Today, my two sons and I spent another exciting day wandering the city barefoot. We started by shopping at the local supermarket.

Going to the supermarket barefoot was an exciting and unique experience. As soon as we entered the store, we were greeted by a wave of coolness tickling our feet, a pleasant contrast to the heat outside. My sons seemed carefree, striding enthusiastically through the aisles, their bare feet gliding across the smooth supermarket floor.

I could see their little toes flexing on contact with the cold tiles, but they didn't mind. On the contrary, they seemed happy to feel every texture beneath their feet. Their eyes sparkled with wonder as they discovered the colorful stalls, and their feet naturally guided them to the shelves that intrigued them.

Despite a few curious glances from other customers, we felt comfortable in our skin, or rather, in our bare feet. People sometimes looked at us with astonishment, but others smiled at us, perhaps understanding that this was simply our way of life, and that it wasn't doing anyone any harm.

We filled our basket with fresh fruit, and all sorts of staples. My sons had fun trying to roll the cart with their bare feet, creating moments of playfulness in this usually so serious place.

As we left the supermarket, we were greeted by the warm summer sun. Bags full of groceries in hand, we made our way back home, our bare feet once again treading the city's asphalt, on our way to new adventures.

And even though our feet had become a little dirtier as a result of this escapade, their dirtiness was a tangible sign of our shared joy, our complicity as a family, and our willingness to explore life in our own unique way.

Afterwards, we had lunch in a friendly little café, The hot tile floor under our feet was a constant reminder of our unique way of life, but that didn't stop us from enjoying our meal as a family.

In the afternoon, we visited a beautiful park, where fresh grass tickled our feet and trees offered us their soothing shade. My sons joined a group of children playing soccer, and soon they were all barefoot, united in their desire to have fun.

At the end of the day, as the sun began to set, we returned home, exhausted but happy. Our feet were dirty, covered in dust and little marks of urban adventures. Looking at their blackened feet, I was reminded that dirt was only an insignificant part of the picture. What really mattered were the precious memories we had created together, the shared moments of complicity and discovery.

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