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Date Posted: 2024-01-08 13:33:06
Author: Tamara
Subject: Re: Shorts as well?
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: Shorts as well?" on 2024-01-08 13:18:15

Hi Anita,

How nice, unfortunately we have only one child.
I will think about the barefoot thing but my concern is that streets are not very clean here. I would also be afraid of him stepping in shattered glass. Has that happened to your kids? Have they ever asked to be in shorts in winter?
For my son, there is no choice, we have always made him wear shorts. We are qiute strict with him but he misbehaves a lot lol so he needs discipline.


Hi, Tamara
>We live in central Europe. My kids are so happy when
>they are in shorts and bare feet again in spring, it
>seems to give them an additional boost of energy. When
>it's cold though ... having their entire legs exposed
>could be a bit too much loss of heat. So I hope your
>son is getting along well and fine, perhaps he'd like
>to try bare feet as well when it warms up in spring.
>Was it his idea or yours to spend the whole year in
>shorts even in winter? How is he dressing otherwise,
>does he wear gloves or a hat in winter?
>My children prefer to have their hands and feet free
>if they can, they rarely have anything on their head
>either, but my daughter loves her scarf that I got her
>for christmas.
>Cheers, Anita with a daughter and two sons!

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