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Date Posted: 2024-04-30 09:58:19
Author: Lucy to Anita!
Subject: Re: To Anita!
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: To Anita!" on 2024-04-29 15:14:00

>Hi again,
>I agree that socks are restrictive, especially to
>young children, so I don't get how some parents put
>socks on them. They need freedom of the toes to touch
>at things, grab for them ... and learn to balance as
>they crawl, sit and later learn to walk.
>When I had my first child 14 years ago some relatives
>gave us a footed onesie and first thing I did was to
>cut off the feet and sew nice hems instead so his feet
>would peek out bare and free. At home our children
>never wore anything on their feet, and as they learned
>to walk we also allowed them to go barefoot everywhere
>they liked, since none of them had any difficulties
>walking even on rough ground we found it's the best
>for them all!
>Hanging upside down sounds lovely! And speaking of a
>happy heart, did you ever notice when a child has
>black feet and holds them together the pale arches
>form a cute little heart shape?
>We gave our children nice, practical and comfortable
>things to wear, but when it's not freezing their feet
>are bare and free like their hands, and now that it
>warms up they're all happily in shorts.

Hi Anita my friend!

I find socks sooooooooo uncomfortable that socks are my worst nightmare! 😱😱😱 I raise my three precious kids to be in their bare feet as much as possible! Since I put both of my girls in gymnastics they even go to gymnastics in bare feet without even taking any flip flops in the car on the way!

I love how my body feels different when I hang upside down almost like gravity is massaging me and it feels like I am flying in midair! I always hang upside down on either our gymnastics bar in the living room or our set of monkey bars in our garden! Because of my mild autism my job can be stressful because I am like a big kid deep down so maintaining serious conversations is tiring for me (though my job is still super lovely) and hanging upside down when I come home from work gives me the sensory seeking recharge I need to distress so I'm super happy again! 🤭🤭🤭 I always hang upside down in bare feet with shorts and one of my Disney t-shirts!

I admire gymnasts because they are usually barefoot and they often go upside down in their routines! 🙃👣🙃👣🙃👣

Sorry if I seem a little childish! 😭😭😭 I have a job as a receptionist in a small hospital but because of my autism people who know me personally will tell you I am like a big kid deep down but they still are really lovely friends so I feel blessed! I cannot be barefoot in work so I wear bare feet in sandals or flip flops! I NEVER NEVER NEVER wear socks!

It is soooooo lovely that when precious children put both their bare feet together that the clean high arches make a heart shape while the black soles surround the heart! 🤩🤩🤩 So adorable and special! All children are special and the super cute high arched little heart on the black soles of their summertime bare feet is absolutely proof kids are the greatest gift our world has been blessed with! 💖💖💖

God bless!
Your friend forever Lucy!

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