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Date Posted: 2024-08-25 09:51:21
Author: Josh
Subject: Re: Dirtiest your children’s feet have ever gotten
In reply to: Mike 's message, "Dirtiest your children’s feet have ever gotten" on 2024-08-22 22:09:59

Hi, I have already written on this forum some time ago and I think I have already answered this question. I have a 7 year old son and since the beginning of spring he has not put on a single pair of shoes. He only wears shoes during the coldest winter days and at school. (Unfortunately the school does not allow it.). During the summer, I have lost count of the number of times my son's feet have become dirty. (It is daily and to tell the truth we do not even notice it anymore). We live in the city, so the soles of the feet are systematically black. The sidewalks, roads or the floors of stores promote the appearance of dirty and black soles. My son does not care and does not even realize it. He is also used to walking barefoot in the street. It is a habit he has had since he was little. By the way, the arch of the foot is properly formed and his toes are well aligned thanks to this practice of walking barefoot. To answer the question, I think the time his feet got dirty was during a walk in town maybe 3 weeks ago. We first went shopping in a mall and his feet quickly became dark (The bottom of the foot was black with city dust except for the arch of the foot. You could see the imprint of his correctly drawn foot there). After dropping off the groceries at home, we went to McDonald's for a quick lunch. I think you all know that the floors of fast food restaurants are far from being the cleanest. My son's feet therefore became extremely dark because of the sticky floors. I remember him saying to me "Dad the floor is really sticky in here" while lifting his foot to look. This is also why I remember the color of his soles :) . I also remember that even after the shower the darkness persisted a little at the heel.

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