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Date Posted: 2024-09-06 13:27:23
Author: Anita
Subject: Do you support your children in all their decisions?

I was recently asked that question and I thought some ... my answer was: Yes unless they hurt themselves or others with their decisions. Taking risks is allright as long as they are aware of the risk and how to prevent accidents.
So the decision to walk barefoot anywhere is usually allright and fine, and I'm ready to defend my children against anyone who calls them foolish or irresponsible.

In winter they're all curious about what snow feels like and they will definitely go out on the first day of new snow but I advise them to come back in if they ever start to get numb. Being foolishly heroic would be wrong! I'm glad they're all cautious and don't really like to do things that dont't feel good. So while their toes got pretty red outside they never had any skin peeling or other signs of beginning frost damage.

Something that also prevented them from ever "trying" anything addictive like alcohol, tobacco, drugs ... they stay away from anything with alcohol anyway because they don't like the taste.

So what if they take a decision that's clearly wrong? I talk to them reasonably and explain what's wrong about it. Don't get mad, don't yell, don't punish, just get reasonable and to the point and expect the same from your children. Best way for them to grow up and learn to argue for their case. That's the responsibility of parents, to point out the consequences that a decision will have that children might not initially see.

We're a pretty relaxed and positive family. Tensions are rare and if they occur they're resolved quickly.

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