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Date Posted: 2024-10-12 00:58:59
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: Daughter wants to have no shoes
In reply to: Sarah 's message, "Daughter wants to have no shoes" on 2024-10-11 22:04:37

Hi, Sarah, great to know there's other children like mine in many places of the world. I have a daughter and two sons, all of whom now go barefoot constantly.
I assume she's still in the phase of growing? In the case of my children it was a case of "growing out of their old shoes and realizing they don't need new ones".
They fortunately don't get into truly hazardous situations. Everywhere we go in the city, countryside and holidays, their feet can handle.
We have been to a few formal situations, like fine dinners and concerts. My daughter has a long dress that she finds fits perfectly with her bare feet. Both sons have long slacks reaching to their ankle joint so the legs don't touch the ground (while they're usually in shorts from spring to autumn they will wear long pants and shirts for more formal situations). They take good care of their feet, clean them, have nicely filed toenails and my daughter sometimes applies various colors of toenail polish. I think it's easier for children to go barefoot in such situations, in fact we have received compliments about how handsome and cute they are ...
Now they don't put any importance on "not having shoes", they just think it's useless to buy a new pair and the money can be spent better. I'd still buy them shoes if the need arises, we will see how next winter goes. You can just put aside her flipflops without much of a ceremony if she feels better about it. Just watch out that she doesn't get hurt, going barefoot in clearly dangerous/damaging situations would be too stubborn. My children fortunately are cautious enough and have rarely had little injuries that healed quickly.

>Hi all! I'm thrilled to find a community of other
>parents raising barefoot children, it's always nice to
>know you're not alone. My daughter always hated
>wearing shoes, and after discovering the health
>benefits of being barefoot, I decided to let her go
>without shoes almost everywhere, and even join her
>occasionally! We're very fortunate to live in sunny
>California so weather is never an issue, and even more
>fortunate to have found a K-12 school that allows bare
>feet. However, the reason I'm writing is that over the
>past few months my daughter, who is now 12, has
>repeatedly asked if I would let her get rid of her
>only pair of shoes and live completely barefoot. I'm
>not opposed to the idea on principle, but I have a few
>reservations regarding emergency situations and formal
>events. The shoes in question are a pair of simple
>black flip-flops, which look reasonably presentable at
>formal occasions and provide at least some protection
>from hazardous ground, if necessary. From what I've
>read, though, some of your children do indeed own no
>shoes, and it seems to have worked out quite well in
>most cases! To that end, I have a few questions for
>those whose children lead totally barefoot lives: What
>formal or dangerous situations have your children been
>in in while barefoot, and how did things go? As my
>daughter has made it clear that she wants to "never
>wear shoes ever again", what is the longest period of
>time your children have remained fully barefoot,
>without skinners, socks, or any other footwear? And
>lastly, for my own curiosity, have any of your
>children ever said why they prefer to not even own any
>footwear? I've asked my daughter, but her answers are
>always some variation of "it just feels better", and
>better understanding her motivation may help me come
>around to the shoeless side of things.

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  • Re: Daughter wants to have no shoes -- Anita, 2024-10-12 12:31:49
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