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Date Posted: 16:55:57 02/05/25 Wed
Author: Still In Love With You
Subject: Happy Birthday Dennis !!!

Imagine this, today, who of us would have ever thought about being around this year? And how strange to remember 1975 as if it were only last week. 75. Personally, I never would have thought it. When I re-newed my driver's license and read the expiration as "2033"... well! Never mind.

But I still remember Broadway. I still remember "The Top". I still remember walking, early evening, from Meadow Hill into the park, not knowing whether or not you'd be there, but always hoping and needing to be there, just in case you did come by. Oh, the insanity. Would I do it again? Would I do it today? As surely and as quickly as I did then. Well, maybe not as quickly, but yeah, I'd do it again... even today.

I remember pulling up in from of the "Main House" those nights, hearing the juke-box, and above all the voices coming through the door, my ear could zero-in on yours. There was no guarantee that you'd even speak with me, or even acknowledge that I was there. But I was content because I was there... you know, like that old song "I Wanna Be Where You Are".

Saw what I suppose is a fairly recent photo of you, on the internet. We've both changed so very much over the years. But I'd know those eyes any-where. And you've been through so much over the years and still... there "you" are, exactly the same today as you were... back then.

So here we are, 100s of miles apart and 100s of years apart, and yet, today, the 5th February, here I am, spending the day reminiscing... re-living the short time we had together. Never lovers, ever friends.

I hope you don't mind that I hold onto the one "real love" I ever had. You truly were the "first". And you taught me SO much that I needed to learn for the rest of my life. I gave you my heart, and it looks like I gave you my soul too. I spent the rest of my life-time comparing to what I'd hoped would have been... then. Oh sure, you were what? 21? I was all of 17. (Or was it you were 20 and I, 16? What-ever. It didn't matter to me then, and it doesn't matter to me now.)

So, since I don't have a phone number to reach you at, and I didn't think quickly enough to send a card to the address I believe you're at today (you ARE listed... and on the internet... but that info isn't always correct), I figured I'd send a little message here on the off chance that SOMEBODY will come to this web-site and happen to see this and maybe let you know.

"Time" can be a horror (don't we know that?) but here we are. And for me, the world's a little "kinder"... it hasn't taken you away... yet. We don't have tomorrow, but we had yesterday and I'll just hold onto that, if you don't mind.

I hope you're keeping warm, that you're in best-possible health and that no matter the circumstances, I wish for you today as I wished for you then:
I hope you're content.

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