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Subject: Mao

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Date Posted: 18:16:21 05/03/24 Fri
In reply to: 's message, "RE The Emily Legenza post..." on 18:47:33 04/27/24 Sat

Everyone involved or observing this thread should appreciate that Rian Valentine or Becky Minger is willing to provide your girls with training or guidance. Some of the seasoned participants, who seem to have been around since ancient times, must recognize that times have changed. Ohio often seems behind the times on stage almost every year. Moreover, there's a new director from southern Ohio who appears to be gathering a collection of pageants to oversee. It’s questionable if she has any personal experience on stage. Steven could have been a commendable director had he not allowed his personal biases towards certain contestants to affect his judgment. Ohio would do well to focus more on showcasing engaging performances rather than strictly classical technical abilities. Can we also talk about the acceptance of state hopping? In the flawed world we inhabit, what else can be expected? If they treat you unfairly, why not try your luck in a different state? It's absurd to claim that someone like Lucabella is too young to win. Why allow 19-year-olds to compete if we're going to say they're too young to take the title? That argument just doesn't make sense.

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[> [> Subject: FROM CLICK-IN: Everyone involved or observing this thread should appreciate that Rian Valentine or Becky Minger is willing to provide your girls with training or guidance. Some of the seasoned participants, who seem to have been around since ancient times, must recognize that times have changed. Ohio often seems behind the times on stage almost every year. Moreover, there's a new director from southern Ohio who appears to be gathering a collection of pageants to oversee. It’s questionable if she has any personal experience on stage. Steven could have been a commendable director had he not allowed his personal biases towards certain contestants to affect his judgment. Part 2 following...

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Date Posted: 20:17:51 05/05/24 Sun

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[> [> [> Subject: continued: Ohio would do well to focus more on showcasing engaging performances rather than strictly classical technical abilities. Can we also talk about the acceptance of state hopping? In the flawed world we inhabit, what else can be expected? If they treat you unfairly, why not try your luck in a different state? It's absurd to claim that someone like Lucabella is too young to win. Why allow 19-year-olds to compete if we're going to say they're too young to take the title? That argument just doesn't make sense.

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Date Posted: 20:18:49 05/05/24 Sun

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