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Subject: Re: My Mom wants to spank me.

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Date Posted: 23:43:44 03/07/25 Fri
In reply to: Steevo 's message, "Re: My Mom wants to spank me." on 11:42:13 03/05/25 Wed

Hey, Max. My name is Fred and I am also 12 like you. My mother spanks me but usually its like only once every two or three months in the last couple of years. My sister, Janey, is a lot older than me she is 15 and the thing is my mom spanks her a lot. Like two or three times a week is normal. She gets spanked for being lazy about her chores, or doing sloppy homework, or for her fresh mouth, or for sneaking cigs, or for staying up on her phone after bedtime, or for getting caught kissing boys in her room, and all kids of teen girl stuff like that. Sometimes I only hear her getting it, but if mom hauls her into the living room to spank her when I'm already there, mom never says anything if I stay right there and watch, which I do every chance I get.

Well, two weeks ago we were home on a Saturday and it was raining heavy here so Janey and I were were inside and I was getting on Janey's nerves, kind of deliberately you know, just being a pain in the ass and we got in a big argument screaming and yelling and swearing at each other. Then Mom like burst into our playroom and grabbed Janey by the arm and hauled her out and took her down the hall to her bedroom.

A few minutes later I could hear loud slaps and I could hear Janey yelping and saying like no, no, don't, oh that hurts and stuff like that. I went down the hall and her bedroom door was open and mom was sitting on her bed with Janey over her lap and Janey had her dress off and her panties down to her knees and mom was spanking her really hard with her spanking hairbrush. When mom saw me in the doorway she stopped spanking and told me to come in and watch since I was next anyway. So I went in and went right almost to the bed to stand and watch Janey get spanked.

As it turned out, Mom gave Janey a real long spanking and Janey was bawling and sobbing and kicking her legs so much her panties flew off her legs and she was completely naked. I had seen Janey spanked lots of times but only now and then completely naked you know and like this time I was right there and I could see her tits and her pussy and everything and I got a real big boner and I was afraid I'd shoot in my pants but mom stopped spanking her just in time so I didn't.

Then Janey slid off mom's lap and danced around like crazy with her boobs bouncing and like her pussy right out there you know, and I got really excited again and really hard again and I couldn't help it and the next thing I knew I did soak myself and you could see the big stain on the front of my jeans shorts.

And finally Janey calmed down a lot but she she was still bawling and then she went to mom for cuddles like we both always do after getting spanked, but mom turned her around to face me and said I'll give you cuddles Janey but first you said some awful things to your brother so you go over right now and give him a hug and kiss and tell him how sorry you are and you better sound like you mean it or you'll go right back over my lap.

And Janey came over to me sobbing and then she stopped and pointed at me and said look Ma, Freddie shot off in his pants watching you spank me. And mom said I know that, I got eyes, now you give him a big hug and kiss and tell him how sorry you are. So Janey ignored the stain and pulled me up against her and hugged me in her arms and kissed me on the cheek and then like maybe the first time ever she kissed me right on my mouth. And I was shocked and could hardly breathe. And she said I'm really sorry for swearing at you Freddie, honest I am, I love you so much, do you forgive me?

And I could barely talk but I said yes I do and I love you too Janey and I am really really sorry for swearing at you and getting you spanked. And like I thought she was putting on an act just so mom wouldn't spank her some more you know but when I said that I could see she was real surprised and she hugged me for real some more and kissed me some more again right on the mouth and geez she's taller than me and her bare tits were against the top of my chest and I could feel her bare pussy in the space above my pants belt and the short undershirt I was wearing. Like her pussy was pushed up against my bare skin there and she felt it too and saw me turn bright red and she rubbed herself against me and geez almighty my boner came right back up again.

And then Janey giggled and stepped back and looked down and both mom and Janey could see my pants all bulged out again right where the stain was, and I heard mom laugh and she said you go down to the bathroom Freddie and take those shorts and your underwear off and leave them on the tub so I can rinse them all and put them in the wash, and then go to your room and just stay naked and I'll be down to spank you shortly when I've given your sister a ton of hugs and kisses.

So I did that and I was sitting on my bed naked thinking oh god is she going to spank me really hard like she did Janey and sitting there my boner stiffened up again and I couldn't think how to make it drop because I always got excited like that when mom was about to spank me I don't know why, but it was just like I got when I heard or sometimes saw her spank Janey. Anytime mom said she was going to spank me or Janey I'd get a boner like that and if mom undressed me herself like sometimes she did it got even bigger and harder before she spanked me.

So after a bit mom came down the hall and Janey came in with her still naked and mom saw me flush red sitting there with my boner when they came in and mom nodded at Janey and said fair is fair you saw her spanked so now she can watch you get it. Then mom had me stand up and she got up on my bed and sat against the backboard right in the middle of the bed and she pulled her short wraparound the dress up to her stomach and she put the wooden hairbrush by her hip and she patted her bare thighs and told me to climb up and get over her lap. I did and Janey got up on the bed too and facing mom she knelt right next to mom's knees so she had the best seat in the house to look right down on my bottom and thighs as mom spanked me.

Well, all of mom's anger at us was gone by then so she didn't whale on me like she was trying to take the skin right off, but she was determined to spank me really good like she had spanked Janey, so she did give me the longest spanking I ever got. First with her hand until I was bawling like one of them branded calves, and then a long break until I quieted down to just sobbing, then a whole bunch of short turns with the hairbrush until I was screeching the house down and slamming my legs up and down on the bed and bouncing my bottom right up into the air over and over again. Afterwards, lying face down, I cried hard for a good 20 minutes anyway, then sobbed and sniffled and cried softly as mom came in with Janey and the both helped in putting cold cream all over my thighs and bottom. Mom had done the same with Janey during that first half hour while I was crying so hard, and I fell asleep with both of them stroking my bottom and thighs.

The irony of this, Max, is that Janey and me were so good with each other the next couple of days that mom decided she ought to spank us both like that a couple of times a week to keep us in that after spanking mellow mood where we were so nice to each other and to her. And that is what she has done and is doing. We both got spanked by mom twice on an evening in each of the last two weeks and absolute peace in the house between us has been the way its been--and mom is delighted, and Janey is so sweet with me now, and I she and I are seeing her naked so much on the nights we get spanked, that the truth is that we are both enjoying that part of this situation. She loves to see me shoot into a washcloth after her spankings, and she had been definitely getting off on her spankings from mom and from watching me get my spankings. So that's the way it is and how I guess it's going to be for quite a while now.

So since you wrote your notes here, Max, have you been spanked again? Is your mom spanking you more now, or less than before? Let us know, will you? Fred

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Re: My Mom wants to spank me. scamptoo09:53:46 03/08/25 Sat

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