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Subject: Get a life.

Lindsay to Agnes
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Date Posted: 00:30:09 03/11/25 Tue
In reply to: Agnes to Scamptoo 's message, "Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!" on 20:27:54 03/10/25 Mon

Shut the fuck up Agnes. You are so dense. oH, I forgot. WE are one & the same person.

All the kids here are being abused but most of us know it is just fiction. but Agnes, you are such a born liar. so piss off & leave Scamptoo alone. And stop abusing your kids because you are a joke at being a mother too them. Poor Donny.

If you let your son post here, people are able to comment on it. So fuck off Agnes.




Mr. Scamptoo, my name is Agnes and I am Donny and
>Evie's mother and Donny didn't show me your note--I
>saw it when I came here to see if anyone commented on
>the message I had Donny write FOR ME TO POST HERE.
>For your information I read a lot about maintenance
>spanking on this site and on others before I decided
>to use a form of it on my children. The key to mine
>being that for the time being they would both be
>spanked three times a week and more if I didn't see a
>big improvement in their conduct and behavior--which
>my husband and I have already seen as Donny
>mentioned--and which we are truly delighted with.
>I have read a lot of your emails in the last three or
>four weeks and you seem like a very nice man who
>believes children benefit from spankings, but like so
>many people you also seem to have very strong and
>fixed feeling about the "right" and "wrong" way to do
>things. You wanted Donny to show me your note so I
>would go back and read the posts on this subject more
>carefully so I would "learn" that many people decide
>not to do maintenance spankings like they have been
>doing their punishment spankings--that they do them
>much less severely but on a regular basis rather than
>for particular offenses or conduct.
>Yes, Nr. S, I saw that suggestion many times, okay?
>But I also saw that others who use maintenance
>spankings disagree and still give quite severe
>spankings when they do their maintenance
>spankings--much more like their regular spankings of
>their kids for bad conduct. In effect, people do not
>all agree on every aspect of the maintenance spankings
>they give. Did you not notice that? Maybe you, and not
>me, should go back and read the reports more carefully.
>In my case, the spankings we have given for years
>include the use of a wooden spoon when I spank, and
>of my husband's belt when he spanks. We are
>comfortable with that. It works for us. We do like the
>idea of regular spankings for our two, but--for
>example--giving either of ours a pittypat spanking of
>20 spanks and saying run along now and be good, we
>know would be a joke.
>When we spank our kids the way Donny described (and he
>did a good job of that I must say), they get the
>message we want to give them, okay? And Mr. S, since
>we have been spanking our kids since they were
>preschool toddlers, we really don't need instruction
>from you or anyone else as to how to spank them.
>Suggestions are always welcome--but comments which
>suggest "you are wrong because you are not doing
>things the way I think they should be done, or the way
>these 20 parents do it with their kids--that is just
>inappropriate. Like the idea of suggesting there is
>only one way to do maintenance spankings on a regular
>basis--one way, that's it.
>But, Mr. S., as one example, telling Donny (and Evie)
>that parents who use maintenance spankings "don't use
>implements" is so plainly wrong it is ludicrous. Even
>the very nice Lindsay on this site who has instructed
>many parents in how to do such spankings leaves room
>for the use of a paddle for the punishment part of the
>regular maintenance sessions she describes. (Since she
>deals mostly with quite young children, she recommends
>like "5 extra spanks" and the like for that punishment
>phase of her "routine"--which, works fine with the
>kids she is dealing with but, as I pointed out, would
>be laughable with my kids.)
>Further you have overstepped yourself when you presume
>to tell my child, "I hope that you let your mom read
>this message so she can see that maybe she read those
>messages wrong." That's pretty nervy of you, I must
>say to imply to a child that his mother is a little
>dense where you are so smart and know how things
>should be. I suspect you are the one who needs to read
>the posts on this subject (and others) more closely,
>and not alone because of your "implements are not
>used" statement.
>That comment by you that you hope he shows your note
>to me demonstrates beyond question how stupidly and
>carelessly YOU read these posts--because Donny made
>clear that he did not put that note on this site--that
>I would put his note on this site for him!
>ANY NOTES ON HERE because I did not want him reading
>generally on here. I gave him and Edie selected pages
>of certain posts that were fine for them to read. Now
>that was made eminently clear in his note, BUT YOU
>MISSED THAT ENTIRELY!--while telling my son you hoped
>he would show me your note and maybe I would go back
>and read the notes more carefully! I am a college
>grad, by the way, raising two youngsters and I really
>don't need instruction from someone who makes comments
>like that and has clearly not understood the note he
>is commenting on.
>As I say, different strokes for different folks, Mr.
>S, and there are different ways to do things for
>different people--like maintenance spankings. That
>subject is not a case of "ONE way or the HIGHWAY"!

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Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!scamptoo08:59:06 03/11/25 Tue

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