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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

Yvonne to Carla Ann and Betty
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Date Posted: 16:48:30 03/11/25 Tue
In reply to: Betty to Yvonne 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 11:59:33 03/09/25 Sun

Dear Carla Ann and Betty
Thank you for your congratulations and your kind words.
I have decided to tell you both how we got closer and why we got married relatively quickly.
I apologize in advance that this is going to be very long.

How much we complement each other was not only shown in bed, but also when we spanked all three girls of them together for the first time.
Which happened on the second week when we all lived together under one roof.
I started with my two girls. I took off their tights, opened their bodysuits at the crotch and then took off their diapers.
Then I gave them not too many or too hard spanks with my hand and otherwise refrained from the time-consuming consolation and breastfeeding.
I took the youngest upstairs with me, put her in a fresh diaper and laid her down to cry and promised to come to her later.
I then did the same with my oldest.
I just didn't know how he would react and I was afraid that I would scare him away.
All what I know is that he spank his daughter too, but I have no Idea how he do it, or how sternly he spank.
So I definitely didn't want to be too harsh, but rather increase it slowly, until I got to both, where I was with they, befor he cames in our live.

When I came back into the living room, I saw his daughter Sina losing her composure more and more and her sniffling had turned into a full-blown howl without a single blow being thrown.
I went to her, took her hands in mine and said, "Get up, honey." She followed my instructions and I took her in my arms.
For her almost 14 years, she was relatively small, she only reached up to my chest and was otherwise only a head taller than my eldest. But her puberty was in full swing.
While I was holding her to calm her down, I said to her: "Sina, sweetie, why are you so excited?"
Maybe I saied a little more harshly than I intended:
"You're only getting a spanking, there's nothing more, to it than that, you don't have to lose your temper like that."
Suddenly I let go of her and took a step back and saw her wetting herself. It wasn't much and it didn't run onto the carpet, but the crotch of her jeans and her legs were now dark and clearly wet.
Her dad jumped up and said, "Yes, that happens sometimes. I'm sorry, I'll clean this up. And you, young lady, will now receive 20 strokes instead of 15 on each of your spanking place."
She was now an emotional wreck, I told him to sit down and I'd take care and clean up of her, because I know what to do.
I led her into the bathroom, in my arm and was totally surprised that I could undress her without resistance.
I let her get into the bathtub, turned to lay my bathrobe spread out over the towelheater and then switched it on.
My intention was that she would be nice and warm when she got out of the tub.
But she obviously misunderstood what I was doing and I saw how she started to pee again and the crying increased again.
Squat down, sweety, and let it all out, it's not bad, I promise, I said to her in my softest voice.
When I saw that she had finished peeing, I took her back into my arms, naked as she was, and continued to speak to her in a calming manner.
Next, I promised her that we would have a daughter-mother talk tomorrow to take away, any fears she might have about the future.

After that, I turned on the hand shower and waited until the water was pleasantly warm and showered her body from her waist down.
Only then did I let her stand up and spread her legs, then I started to soap the washcloth and wash her.
Even now, that my hand was in the washcloth, so I wasn't touching her directly on her crotch or bottom, there was still no resistance to stop this very private intrusion.
So I gently, but not playfully, washed her crotch, which was covered with a light down of hair.
I then decided, to wash her, as if she were a toddler.
I had her sit down and then washed her entire body, from her hair to her feet.
I saw some unsightly marks on her still small breasts, which her bottom also had, some of them greenish yellow.
Which must have been full-blown hematomas.
I knew then that her father had not been gentle with her and was caught between excitement and disgust, but I still smiled gently to myself.
Because I now knew that I could punish her just like my two girls.
I just had to find out how and to do that, I had to see how her father would treat her this evening.
When we were finished, I wrapped her in my warmed bathrobe.
She looked adorable in the much too big bathrobe, shy, embarrassed with a hint of fear, she looked at me.
I took her in my arms again, rubbed her arms and back and smiled at her, while I said to her, it's okay, sweetheart.
Then I threw her clothes in the washing machine and before I turned it on, I asked her. "Do you often have accidents like this, Sina?
Please be honest with me now, because if I find your bed wet in the morning, you won't be able to sit down for a long time.
But if I know that it can happen to you, you won't have any problems, then I'll help you.
Bright red in the face, tears filling her eyes again, then she nodded silently.
I said it's fine, darling, thank you for telling me.
I kissed her forehead and started the washing machine, then I led her back into the living room on my hand, to her father.
He stood up, came over to us and said sweetheart, you know that you have to be punished and you saw that your new mommy spanks her children too. That's part of growing up.
Then he took off her bathrobe and told her to support herself on the dining table.
Now he spanked her bottom, exactly 20 times and pretty hard. She was shaking, wiggling and crying loudly again.
When he turned her over and said hold your forearms behind your back, I thought he was done and was going to send her to the corner.
Instead he spanked her small breasts with his hand.
By spanking her from bottom to top, or from top to bottom, from left to right, right to left.
He never held her with his other hand either, because he used that to twist and pull her nipples until she screamed.

To me it looked as if he was punishing her for her mother's things, but it had nothing to do with upbringing.
I found it disgusting and extremely arousing at the same time, but I knew I had to intervene and stop this type of punishment in the near future.

Afterwards I put my bathrobe around Sina's shoulders again and took her to her childroom, after dressing her into pajamas, put I in her bed.
I sat on the edge of the bed, stroked her cheek and wiped her tear-soaked hair from her face. Then I said to her:
"I know, sweetie, I'll take care of you tomorrow morning, then there will still be punishments, but not like this, I promise you, Sina, do you understand me, sweetie? She nodded.
If you have an accident tonight, you don't have to be afraid. Wake me up and we'll clean it up. From tomorrow on you don't have to worry about that anymore."
I kissed her again, gently stroked her aching breast and said again.
From tomorrow onwards your life will change a lot and you will experience the same comfort, that I usually give my daughters after their spankings too.
I saw this evening, that you definitely have to get spankings, but after that you have to feel and experience that nobody in the family hates you, but that you will always find protection and security here.
I promise you one thing, pure fear alone does not upbring a girl, there is much more to it and I will make sure that you get more of that too!
We talking tomorow sweetheart.
Now sleep quickly, Sina, the sun will shine again tomorrow morning and for you too that I promess.
I kissed her forehead again, stroked her cheek with the back of my hand and went out, while she could now cry herself to sleep.
Without going to my children, I went straight back to him.

I threw my arms around his neck that evening and kissed him passionately, then I said, "That was incredibly hot, darling, but we need to change some things."
I explained to him that her developing breasts are subject to such massive tissue damage that she'll soon have saggy tits, even if she stays at an A cup.
I wouldn't wish that damage on any girl or woman, wait here.
I disappeared into our bedroom, leaving him curious. I bet he was desperate at that moment that I rejected his hardness. #Laughs#
Then I came back into the living room and showed him what I usually use on my girls while they're still so small.
And I also told him I was afraid you'd think I was way too hard, so I decided to just use my hand.
He smiled and looked at what I gave him. It's a very nice leather paddle, with a 4-inch reddish-brown wooden handle and a 0.3-inch thick black leather strap, measuring 7.5 inches long and 2.5 inches wide.
The paddle is beautifully crafted and was anything but cheap.
As a decoration, it's great, but as a disciplinary tool, it's a girl's nightmare.
I bought it when I started spanking my eldest daughter, in a set of two for almost $250.
The Big Brother paddle has been kept in my bedroom closet for a long time. This one has a 7-inch handle and 0.5-inch thick leather, is 20 inches long and 4 inches wide.
It's far from suitable for my daughters yet, but it's perfect for your, or rather my, stepdaughter.
We laughed, and then he said to me seriously, "I want to spank your tits too. I love it when you cry and we both come at the same time."
So the Big Brother paddle will hit you too.
I agreed, but also told him that I still had milk and that I usually breastfeed my daughters while comforting them.
And since it wasn't available tonight, I should to pump.
Or our bed would get wet with breast milk.
We both laughed, then he said,
Bring one of your daughters down and let her drink the milk on the couch wrapped in a blanket.
I accepted, just to prevent a blocked milk duct too.

Today I can say that he is completely fixated on breasts and I was able to slowly dissuade him from concentrating too much on his daughter by giving him mine.
We spank both, her breasts and he spanks mine, I showed him how to hit her without running the risk of seriously injuring her.
And I can guarantee that I and my stepdaughter will scream and cry loudly if we are not gagged.
We now support her breasts and then the small leather paddle comes into its own. In the car we have a 12 inch wooden ruler with no sharp edges.
In my handbag there is a wooden brush and in the diaper bag in the car there is another not so expensive leather paddle that has a total length of 20 inches.
We have also now bought special mats, bras and pantys.
I put the mats on a wooden chair that the girls have to sit on when a punishment is due or has finished.
The special underwear is just for me, I let myself be persuaded to buy the mat too, but I won't compromise on the underwear.
We bought all of this very soon after we decided that we were going to get married.
The difference between then and now is that I can punish her so much that she screams and cries, but the tissue is hardly over-stressed.
Because we hold her breasts while we spank her with the small leather paddle or ruler.
On me personally, he likes to use an elongated oval plastic sauce spoon, which he then turns so that it hits my nipples and areola exactly.
When he spanks my breasts, my milk has either been pumped out or drunk.
He particularly loved the idea of ​​diapers, especially the fact that they would protect her, from intrusive teenagers.
That means she stays chaste!
Today she is diapered just like my own daughters. If one of us goes to her, I can be sure, that her diaper will be wet by.
Because she knows the way we come in or the way we call her, that it is time to be very sad.

Dear Betty,
I know how to spank the crotch from my own mother and that's exactly why I bought this set of leather paddles.
I hit my daughters in the diaper position on the changing table, which has a belly strap that I put on beforehand.
Then I lift their legs and they get a few, not too hard, hits in the crotch.
But I always spank them with my hand first and I spank only her crotch when I think it's time for that again. Thats maybe 1or 2 times at month.
And I only spank them until their lips swell and very red is.
Then they scream and howling loudly, I watch in their face and knowing exact when it is enough, to make their crotch pain.
When I told my husband and showed him, how I spank my girls on the changingtable.
Then he converted the changingtable significantly bigger the by adding a small step so that Sina could occasionally be strapped down and then her feet could be spread out towards her face and tied to the wall.

I need it only, if I be alone at home, because he's at work, so it is much more easier and safty to spank on they chrotch, if I like it to do.
Sometimes we both stand together and spank they, but mostly he hold the legs spreaded up on diaper position, on Bed or couch.
That always guarantees wet diapers and girls who want to be comforted. Then I still breastfeed them too.
Neither of them is embarrassed if they seeks my breasts for a snack, in front of my husband, her step-daddy.
While they drink, patt I her diapered butt and smile at him.
Half an hour later I have good sex with him in basement.

I've already check to breastfeed Sina too, but she doesn't cope so well with it, sometimes I beat her even harder to get her to latch on.
But I'm afraid she's been weaned for far too long.
So she gets a bottle of warmed-up milk, while she's lying in my arms and if she's very sweet, i.e. has been spanked a lot, cocoa milk.
When all three are in bed after such an evening program, my breasts are abused and my crotch hurts not only from the blows, but also because I've been ridden sore.
When he hits my breasts, I'm gagged so as not to wake the children and this takes place in the basement of the house.
We are considering whether we should soundproof it a bit more for the two of us, but that is another story.
I want our BDSM to be clearly separated from the children.

So I hope it was not to bored for you
Dear Betty, I would be delighted if you could give us a little insight into, how you live and punish or are punished.

best wishes to you both, Carla Ann and Betty

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