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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

Betty to Yvonne
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Date Posted: 11:59:33 03/09/25 Sun
In reply to: Yvonne to Clara Ann 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 15:29:44 03/07/25 Fri

Dear Yvonne
Congratulations on your second marriage, and on finding a man who clearly shares your own views regarding punishing children.
It does seem that your new husband’s interest was piqued upon finding out you like to return your 4 and 6 year old to diapers after their spankings - sufficiently it would seem that he has now instigated the same punishment technique with his own 13 year old daughter.
Likewise, your own interest seems to have been piqued upon seeing how he spanks his daughter - but at 4 and 6 your own girls are years off developing breast, so clearly introduce breast spanking for them is some way off…. However you do briefly touch on the fact he also spanks his daughter on her bottom AND pussy.
You do talk about spanking your girls on the bottom, but have you not considered following his lead on this also spanking your girls on the pussy?
It is quite popular amongst certain parents, and I would sayyour girls are at an ideal age to start introducing this technique.


>Dear Clara Ann, congratulations on your marriage to
>this wonderful man called Anthony.
>You seem to have searched for each other and found
>each other, that's so adorable.
>I live in a not quite similar situation with my second
>husband, as our 3 girls are further apart in age than
>What is identical, however, is that I was also a
>mother who spanked children before I met my second
>My daughters are now 4 and 6 years old and his is
>already 13 years old.
>When we met back then, there was a spark between us
>pretty quickly.
>One evening we went out again and each of our
>daughters had a babysitter.
>I thought he was hot and as the wine loosened my
>tongue, I confessed to him that I am already the
>mother of 2 little daughters who, however, at 3 and 5
>years old, still need diapers and my hand often
>He asked quite bluntly, do you spank them?
>Don't worry, I do that with my daughter too.
>I am of the fundamental opinion that girls in general
>and women should be spanked regularly if they so wish.
>I was really delighted with him when he didn't take
>offense at this, on the contrary, he was even firmly
>convinced that girls and teenagers needed a firm hand.
>I explained to him that I didn't mind keeping my
>daughters in diapers, as I can be pretty sure that
>they won't be hit on by boys and that they might
>unexpectedly get pregnant.
>His interest was aroused.
>As we met more and more often, I started spanking both
>girls, before they went to bed and put their diapers
>He was simply delighted with it, as the heat from the
>spanking was now caught and they had to suffer a
>little longer with their very red bottoms. I soon met
>his daughter and he explained to me that I shouldn't
>be shocked, but he also likes to punish her young,
>growing breasts.
>Now I was the one who became curious.
>He explained to me that punishing breasts is one of
>the quickest types of punishment there is, because
>there is no major undressing like with a spanking of
>the bottom or a pussy.
>After thinking about it for a moment, I had to agree
>with him.
>When I was at his house for the first time, I saw his
>She was very embarrassed and looked at the floor most
>of the time, but was otherwise talkative, until her
>father said, your teacher called because you didn't do
>your homework properly.
>She immediately started crying and I followed the
>whole thing with great interest.
>I was surprised that he didn't bother much with her
>bottom, but took her clothes off right in front of me.
>When she was naked, I could still see some bruises on
>her legs that could have been caused by a belt.
>Then he spank her breasts and I admit that the speed
>with which the girl started crying and even screaming
>surprised me and verry aroused me.
>It only took another 4 weeks after this incident
>before we moved in together.
>Now a wedding in a small circle and a year later his
>daughter is also in diapers and is regularly spanked
>by both of us.
>The same goes for my two daughters.
>The diapers are now only allowed for peeing; if for
>some reason more happens in them, they are punished
>very harshly for it.
>I now always undress all girls when there is a
>punishment. The fear that fills the room is such a
>pleasant and arousing scent that we always have hard
>sex afterwards, where my breasts also receive their
>fair share of punishment.
>I cant wait when my daughters start with her puberty,
>so long theire gets the spanking on legs, butt and
>somtimes on her crotch
>Kind regards

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Subject Author Date
Re: Spanking the breastsYvonne to Carla Ann and Betty16:48:30 03/11/25 Tue

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