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Date Posted: 14:20:24 11/17/24 Sun
Author: Natascha to Mary (smile)
Subject: Re: Alternative punishments, toddler status and bare time
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Re: Alternative punishments, toddler status and bare time" on 22:29:28 11/14/24 Thu

>I find the aspect of diapers as a tool for education
>and also for sexual control and chastity extremely
>But why then does it have to be done so much with
>spanking? Diaper training offers endless possibilities
>for making the punishment aspect more severe!

Dear Mary
Of course I read your message too!
At first I laughed out loud and shook my head in disbelief.
But the longer I had to think about your question, the more incomprehensible I found it.

Both my mother, MIL and now I always prefer a spanking to raping a child!
Yes, that's right, "rape!"
It's nothing different, if you insert a catheter into a healthy child without a medical need or give them an enema!
Dilators do nothing more than stretch the urethra, which is also very popular with white eroticism (clinical eroticism) in the BDSM area, and it is anything at safe!
You do describe that there are risks, but the way you describe them can clearly be attributed to adult white eroticism, i.e. sexual clinical eroticism!

Is that what you use children for?

You write somewhere that if it's done correctly, it doesn't cause any problems and is completely painless!

That's not true, neither for children nor for adults!
If a boy or girl is outside playing football, running around, jumping around, you can wait for the time, when you have to take them to the emergency room.
If you actually work in that profession, you should know this very well!

But I am already looking forward to the explanation of the parents who follow your advice when the police arrive at the hospital, called by a real nurse!

As an alternative to catheters and enemas, do you suggest administering diuretics to increase the urge to urinate?
So pumping the children full of chemicals or castor oil just to get full diapers?

Please help me, is this really the kind of upbringing you think is better than a spanking?
Where the child after the spanking, can jumping around, laugh, play and be cuddled again.
Without complaining of stomach pain or feeling a massive burning sensation in the urethra when pee after catheters have been removed?
Tunnel plugs, really?
Tunnel plugs and then diapers? Why? Just to anally rape the child?

Why don't you just let things take their natural course, water, tea without sugar, fruit in moderation, all of these are healthier than any other option you have in store.

I have no problem getting full diapers without stuffing my children full of chemicals or having to rape them.

The next great step up in punishment or humiliation is then what?
Children in thickly wrapped cloth diapers?
So that they feel the wetness for as long as possible, get cold and at least get diaper rash?
Or diaper them so thickly that their bottoms resemble medicine balls?
Wherefor is that? Oh yes I understand, for their fetish parents!
So that even the last person can see from a mile away that there is a sea buoy crossing the road, sorry, a child in diapers.

The shackles they have to wear in bed are also a real spectacle. Have you ever spent a night in bed without being able to turn over in your sleep?
I'll put it briefly, it's torture. Sleep deprivation is torture and that's all a healthy person gets if they can't turn over in their sleep.
That will definitely go down well in school, if the child is constantly falling asleep in class.

Recommending so-called parents to put their boy in a penis cage and then diaper him is also one of my personal favorite stupid ideas.
The fetish seems to be getting out of hand for a whole lot of users!

Children who get spanked scream, cry and howl, that's true!
Screaming expands their lungs, howling snot and water helps to get mucus out of the frontal sinus, so they rarely or never suffer from a frontal sinus infection.
Exhausted, they sleep through until the next morning and are then more alive than ever.
They don't have to be careful when they're running around, their urethra doesn't burn for a week when they pee, they don't have pain in their overstretched anal sphincter and they don't have to worry about being made incontinent for the rest of their lives.

My serious question to you
What is healthier for the child?
Apart from the fact that it would be best for the child if their parents weren't here on this side!
I tried to keep it a bit neutral and humorous, albeit sarcastic humor.
Have a nice day and best wishes

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