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Date Posted: 11:59:50 02/20/25 Thu
Author: Neff
Subject: Re: Rectal temp & exams
In reply to: British Mum 's message, "Re: Rectal temp & exams" on 10:01:03 01/24/25 Fri

>>>Does anyone do rectal exams, particularly to see if
>>>enema or suppository is needed? And when under DD do
>>>you take rectal temperature rather than say in the
>>>What kind of a reaction do you get?
>>We do a rectal exam every morning during changing and
>>also take their temperature rectally. They all hate
>>it, especially the exams, but the boys also get
>>erections from it.
>Neff could you explain more about how you conduct the
>procedure? It’s not really something I’ve done
>Do you wear gloves?

hi sorry it took so long to get back to you!

yes we always wear gloves. It's much more sanitary and we found that snapping them on in preparation has a very nice psychological effect on our kids.

I'll copy from another post of mine on this topic.
It's like it focuses their attention on what's happening and reminds them of their place in it.
While going to the bathroom and undressing and laying down the kids usually chatter and banter with us like they would in any other situation. Sometimes they try to talk their way out of it, especially the little one hates the rectal exams and always tries to argue that she already had a bowel movement and doesn't need to be checked. But as soon as I put gloves on, she knows I mean business and there is no way out. She knows her body needs to be examined so we as parents can make sure she stays healthy. And she knows I expect her to go along, to hold up her own feet and let me put a finger in her butt and maybe give her an enema or a suppository afterward. The moment I put on the gloves she gets quiet and meek, her whole body demeanor changes and she stops chattering or arguing until I'm done.

We always take their temperature when we first change them in the morning. Sometimes it comes out dirty, if not we lube up a gloved finger and give their butts a quick probe to see if they're backed up. Sometimes they withhold because they don't want to use their diaper, especially the two older ones. If they are, they get hot soap water with a bulb and have to expel into the diaper. Afterwards we check again and repeat if necessary. Then they're cleaned up and get either a fresh diaper or are sent to put on underwear.

The oldest gets this treatment bending over the toilet. The two little ones still fit on the changing table.

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