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Subject: • Ä puzzling math question •

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Date Posted: 18:16:13 11/12/02 Tue
In reply to: Demon Cry 's message, "*Darkness*" on 17:46:23 11/12/02 Tue


• Raving on about the skies, about those dark hollows. Such a life for one that may one day be joining the 13th Dimension.
Carrier rivets his horn-emblazed icon to face this now entree-memorizing cadet. Such interesting, and yet desperate words that comes from that one. But perhaps they were really for her herself? They were rather piercing. And he shuddered at the mere thought of them; they were thought, a horrible, and yet correct production for his side. But they were then his thoughts, once in his mind. And he had complete control over that.
Pushing away the miserable, and yet annoying speech that danced through his easily scared mind, he glares around sharply at the other 'fiends,' Funny how they all band together. Playing a smirk across his limpet the towering feathers that seemed endless in length, and in depth score the sky with darkness. Light do he not be, for they will soon find out. Weak? Perhaps. Skilled? ..Perhaps. A mystery was this black hole, and to remain that way. He shall side with no shade, but he shall take on his enemies. The quivering blades of his feathery mass fall down. And re-unite with the flowing particles; a gas solution, swimming in the limited atmosphere, quickly being stolen by the animal’s carbon breath. This propulsion allows easy access to the gas, and the 'beast rises eagerly into the air. Urging them all on to try his will, to investigate what exactly he had in store for them. •


• This other mare as well got on his nerves. Such stupidity to dive in front of such a savage attack, but she shall learn to hold her tongue and movement as the unisus' strike meets with her own flesh. Hopefully teaching her not to make assumptions. ± Who's rump is in who's face? ± He replies sarcastically indicating "Usher". ± Get me accepted where? I am in my mind. That’s all I want. If you do mind to notice, I’m fighting you. Not joining. ± His mass stretches outward threatening the captain as a captive to the plank. Rushing violently back, and back again. Aye matey, a storm approaches. Perhaps it be an idea to spot land before ye'all walk this plank. Wind gushes through the ravens cope, sending an unnerving gesture to those on the ground. ± Pirates Treasure? Lead Stallion? To you? ..I believe that’s what you want. Not I.. You are the pirates, who don't do anything.. You just stay at home, and lie around.. And if we ask you, to do anything.. We’ll just tell you, "We don't do anything!" ± Ah! Such fun to mock these beings, how their reaction rejuvenates this machete spirits! Tch tch, but their stupidity almost rams that mark off the boarder. •

Usher of Death

• A grin of complete satisfaction rejects the stallions embodied cranium. This one wished back off a little? That’s okay with him. He suddenly breaks up in maniacal laughter, ± Hiding behind the truth? I know an attack like that to hurt a little more than what your face Shows. Stop being a coward to show your feelings, and STOP HIDING BEHIND THAT MARE ± Amusement kept its roll across the carriers proposition. So much fun... and so pathetically sad. His cruelty, yes, his cruelty yet hides behind his mask of mocking. Do you dare take it off? •

Demon Cry

• Another so called dark one? Such an annoyance to be bothered by one ignorant fool, but four? He was starting to become a little annoyed. The expression on his face proved this, splitting his head almost in two. So many thoughts whirled around in his mind, spinning.. Spinning. No! He couldn't allow himself to wonder off. Especially at a time like this.. But he couldn't help it.. Almost at the brim of his allowed tolerance, he shook violently in his air held position. ± One, two, three four, How many more? ± he grumbled under his bitterly pride-held breath. Such delights to be facing off against this number.. How delightful.. Fun... spinning...± Indeed my dear. Who's who in the zoo? Wishing for a place to be.. There’s to many of you. The world is full of stupid people.. erh, creatures. ±

ooc: *growls* .. how dare you make me type out so much... it is to much, isn't it usher? ;P .. oh well. only one fourth of its for you poor baby.

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*Darkness*Demon Cry13:21:19 11/13/02 Wed

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