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Date Posted: 17:59:04 05/06/01 Sun
Author: Doublethink *He who controlls the present, controlls the past; He who controlls the past, controlls the future...*
Subject: *He smiles, a grim, saddening smile*
In reply to: Death's Angel 's message, "She shook her head>>" on 11:31:33 05/05/01 Sat

*The morph snorts, shrinking to a pheonix. He hops up, and lands on her shoulder.* Are you sure, child? *He caws.* They are one and the same. The difference is simpley that you do, indeed, know the different Dark Lord. You know him as something...else. I see him as a father who has betrayed his own son. That, and it has been years since we have talked. I do not bother count the minutes. *He scratches his head* Lust, however...she is in touch... *He taps her head with his claw* through the mind. No one knew about our litter, I suppose...morphs, as you may know, are born in litters up to 100 children. The Dark Lord was in favor of the unicorn when I saw my rein - a short rein, to be sure. Rose and I had taken over for a short time while Alia had maternaty leave. Yes, she had another litter...Black Knight was that litter...and his brother, Crimson Love, and his sister, Coiling Fern, the two most powerful. The others, well...they were weak, and so did not make it through the Trials. Fern and Crimson were killed by Dark Lord before their victory over the Trails could be anounced. No-one knoew they lived. He saved Knight, for he saw some...evil. The second litter was mind-impregnation. Father did that to Alia, hoping to get one evil. He knew Alia would never kill children. Which is why True Love does not exist. For then, there would be no survival of the fittest. Love is purely a concept. Do you still think you know the Dark Lord? Think, do you truely know your grandfather? I doubt it. I will give you morph for a few days, if you wish to really understand him. Use Lust - if you dare. She is, like Father, evil. She will betray him. She will take you there, and reveal to you his true personality. He is, in the very essence of the word, a unicorn. If you take up my offer, you will see why... *He jumps from her shoulder and becomes a griffen, leaping into the air. He flips over, showering her in dust.* Think of any creature or object.

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