Subject: Mattimeo's Story: Ferdy's April Fools Chapter |
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Date Posted: 20:02:36 04/04/04 Sun
In reply to:
's message, "Everyone needs a little humor..." on 19:26:21 04/04/04 Sun
Orlando the Axe and Thaflon the Magnificent were still trudging through Mossflower forest, heading towards the mountain Salamandastron.
Orlando shifted his axe to his other shoulder and grumbled, "Aren't we almost there yet? Can't we go any faster?"
The squirrel nodded, and replied. "Of course, sir. I'll- what is that?"
Orlando looked around, and saw what Thaflon was talking about behind him. An enormous wave of little furry yellow creatures were rampaging towards them. Orlando grabbed Thaflon and started running. "Hurry, call your friend, quick!"
Thaflon whistled, and immediately a silver-colored car shot out from the underbrush. It was a DeLorean, Orlando noted.
He was startled to see that is was driven by a frog. "The name's Frog, James Frog," the frog croaked. "Hop in, quick!" Orlando quickly lumbered into the car, and used his axe to fight off a couple of the yellow-furred creatures climbing onto the car.
One of them jumped onto the hood, and shouted, "PIKAPIKA!!" and shot lightning bolts, one of them nearly missing Orlando. Thaflon quickly whipped out his lightsaber and did the little Pikachu in. The squirrel hopped in the car, and yelled. "Step on the accelerator, quick!"
The frog did so, and soon they were speeding through Mossflower Woods. "We're approaching 88 miles per hour!" James croaked.
Orlando yelled back. "What do you mean, 88 miles per hour?"
James replied, looked "Yes, yes, we're almost there, it means that we're going BACK TO THE FUTURE!!"
There was a blinding flash of light, and Orlando could feel them speeding through another dimension. Then, the car skidded to halt, and the occupants stepped out and looked at their surroundings. Orlando thought it looked a lot like Mossflower, except there were weird reptilian creatures lurking around.
Thaflon shook his head and looked around. "What is this place, anyway?"
James stumbled a bit as he stepped out of the car, with a dreamy expression in his face. " Jurassic Park!" He wandered on a bit further into the forest, and promptly got eaten by a passing T-rex.
Thaflon shrugged, and turned back to Orlando. "Shall we continue our journey, then?"
"Might as well."
"Hey, Orlando...what is that scar on your forehead?"
"I don't know. My aunt and uncle told me I got it in a car crash when my parents died."
And the two friends walked off towards Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, happily chatting to each other.
That's more or less than what Ferdy's chapter was. Some parts I made up, because I wasn't sure what was in the original, like the beginning, when Thaflon summoned James, and when James got eaten by the T-rex. Some phrases I'm almost sure are EXACTLY what Ferdy said, like Orlando's last line, when Thaflon whipped out his lightsaber, and when James said " Jurassic Park!"
The funny part is, we were seriously considering sending this story to Brian Jacques himself, and when Ferdy posted this, some participants got uneasy. "Are we really going to send this to BJ?" And then Ferdy shouted "April Fool!" and he posted his real chapter, and everyone was okay again.
The sad part is, that the original can never be retrieved. Because even barring the fact that it disappeared off the Voy archives months ago, Ferdy deleted the story a couple weeks after he posted it, since he was in charge of the board.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it. ^_^ I might actually post the original story sometime, or at least, however far we did get.
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