Subject: well*shrugs* i didnt mean that to sound angry, and i wanted to edit it, but these voy boards dont let you....... here's PART TWO for you dakkan....... |
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Date Posted: 21:03:08 07/13/04 Tue
In reply to:
's message, "Well I know im supposed to be gone but this site is too addicting!! well anyway many of you((i hope atleast)) will be glad to hear i will post my street racing story anyway!!! So soon I will post the first chapter, maybe right after im done typing this!! I hope you guys like it and PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR IT AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS I WONT HESITATE TO ANSWER THEM!!" on 05:15:25 07/01/04 Thu
Now the Skyline and the Supra were neck-and-neck. The Supra's driver slammed the car into fifth and as the car responded by slowly pulled ahead of the opponent's Skyline, the driver hit a tiny red button on his steering wheel, without looking, with his left hand still on the wheel, and used his right, to flip a toggle-switch in his shifter's head. The Supra gave a great lurch and blasted forward with its rear-tires skidding slightly.
But the Skyline wasn't defeated yet. The driver held the two tiny, glowing, red buttons in his steering wheel and at the precise moment, he slapped his car into fifth gear, and the result put him into his seat and everything turned into a round tunnel of light, and the engine gave, yet a higher whistle as the turbo's were slowly maxing, and still yet, the driver hit the tiny flip switch, were the hazard button should've been, and the car gave such a tremendous burst of speed, the car's body tried to bend a little.
The Skyline roared past the Supra and left it in the dust. The Supra's driver admitted defeat by flashing his headlights two times, and started to slow down, painstakingly. The Skyline also was coming to a slow speed when it suddenly slammed on brakes and turned a sharp left turn, with its tires, at a smoking, standstill. And finally when the Skyline was completely turned around, the driver floored the car into first and sped forward, and the Supra did a similar turn, but instead leading to the left far enough then slammed the gas and cutting the wheel as far right as it would go, just for laughs.
In the distance ahead of both cars a pair of flashing blue and red lights could be seen, And also, faintly, two more pairs of flashing lights could be seen a great deal ways behind the two speeding vehicles. But the two drivers were already aware of the feds., way before the cops ever turned onto that stretch of road, because what the 'feds., didn't know was, that both cars were fully equipped with up to date police scanners and radar detectors, all were not street legal, or even supposed to be allowed to citizens, other than cops and other officials.
The skyline sped forward in second gear and turned into a slightly disguised tunnel, and floored he gas pettle and shifted into third, blasting the car forward and blurring the drivers vision slightly, and the Supra went int a similar tunnel on the right side. The Skyline was fast approaching a four-way stop that had a slight hill, but the driver made no effort to stop or slow down for that matter. The car flew into the air and slammed into the level ground sending up a slight shower of sparks int the night air, and still the car sped faster. But an announcement over the 'scanners said the cops were giving up chase for 'fuel reasons'. Apparently the two cop cars had run out of gasoline. But the driver of the Skyline smiled to himself and thought "Pigs always gotta try an' save face.", he smiled still while he turned a slow turn onto a neighboorhood street, the car slowed a little and turned into a driveway at the fifth house from the curb.
The man pressed a small button on his keys and the garage door slowly started to lift ,and suddenly a deep rumble sounded and a blinding flash of headlights came infront of the skyline inside the garage. It was no other than the red Supra. But the Skyline's driver laughed aloud to himself and backed out of the driveway quickly and cut his wheel left, leaving room for the Supra to exit the driveway, and seemingly on cue, the Supra flew out of the garage and dowm the driveway, turning right and flooring the brake but holding the gas, but then the driver let off of the brake and floored the gas, doing a long burn-out that had to have been all of nine seconds. The skyline's driver waited for the smoke to clear the air slightly before revving his car while the car was in neutral, he revved it still higher and the slapped it into first and floored the gas pettle. The car's tires screamed, and sounded in perfect harmony with the loud roar of the exhaust system, and the only thing that could have been louder than the mixture of the three, the engine, the tires, and the exhaust, would have been a bomb. The tires still screamed aloud, piercing the still night air, and clouded the area with tiresmoke. But the car started to blast forward seemingly tired of standing still, but the brakes pevented further advancement.
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