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Date Posted: Monday, August 29, 06:10:42am
Author Host/IP: LLagny-156-35-28-214.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr/

Gabby got voted Face of the caribbean and made it to the top 10 In Global Beauties' Face of the Universe. The Winner was Miss Australia and I somewhat agree with their Choices Angola was Second but i would have put her first .

Now the face of the Universe vote is not their favorites list it's just based on facial beauty, but i am happy that Gabby made it to their favorites pool and has been there since before they arrived in Brazil.

On to another note Gabby's Official beauty shot is stunning.I love the sultry look she gave and she didnt come off as trashy or slutty I wish I could say the same for some of the others. I am not saying she was the best but she was close.

Question did they nix the idea of having their official shots be the carnival themed one? I mean the styling looked way off on it so i wouldn't be surprised just wanted to know if we had official word on it.

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