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Subject: SORRY

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Date Posted: Saturday, September 10, 05:03:49pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-94-226-47.socal.res.rr.com/
In reply to: BeautySeeker 's message, "Really disappointed with some of your comments. Did you guys see Gabby's performance for the evening gown?. Those that did see it said she was one of the best. In fact some of the major websites has her as one of the best in evening gown. You guys need to relax a little. I think Gabby did a great job and her gown is good and she has a great body" on Friday, September 09, 07:29:40pm

I have to apologize because I think I may have come across too strongly and harshly when I criticized Gabby. For me She did her job Her body is on point and she did her thing in the Gown, however this is a competition and you have to compare her performance to the rest of the girls. Now yes I have been following the pageant websites and have seen some positive feed back sometimes for Gaby and that is if the judges were choosing a top 16 but they are not they are choosing 9. Ironically 9 delegates have appeared in every website's list so faR. i HAD FREE TIME SO i did the analysis.

list made up of top 16 picks from Global Beauties Missosology and Mundial Beauties

Now I know it is hard sometimes to step back and put patriotism aside but if you do and you really look at the competition you will see that Gabby didn't outshine these nine ladies on presentation night she may have been up there with them but she didn't outshine. Now was she good enough for a MUO pick? The only reason why I say no is because MUO doesn't step out of the box for what they want to see. Beautiful tall bombshell doesn't matter if she was crappy in the presentation show performance wise or how well you interview it is simply a do you look like what we like. they are not trying to break that mold any time soon.

I will be happy like pappy if Gabby Makes it I just like to try to be fair when I judge these things and I just think that there were better performances during presentation night.

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