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Subject: Final Analysis

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 07:35:31pm
Author Host/IP: cpe-76-94-226-47.socal.res.rr.com/

So it has been an excellent Miss Universe edition I thoroughly enjoyed watching the entire pageant unfold and I also thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments throughout the months.

Now everyone is posting here what we should have or could have done to improve our chances this year well this edition is over on to the next.

Gabby was honestly the best of a bad situation for T&T we had little time to prepare a delegate and though I loved the Tobago contestant she would not have been able to be prepared in time. Gabby was quintessentially a sacrificial lamb. I love her but it's true.

To gain a Miss Universe spot we need not only a model but a pin up or in our time a Sports illustrated type meaning Sexy. Models internationally are actually what Miss USA became. Yes Ladies and gentlemen that is what real models look like. They are extremely thin. Now I knwo you all will jump on me and say no that isn't true look at the Victoria Secret Models. My answer to you is that these are a select type of model. Those are the ones that can do beauty pageants and win not the other type i.e. Miss USA (Who by the way they will love in Milan and Paris).

So to even be considered for a spot you have to be a glamozon. but to make that top 16 you need to create a good buzz around you. Gabby was not photographed enough at all. and all the pics I saw she looked sexy but not approachable in the slightest. Which brings me to the next quality a semifinalist must have. Approachability! Miss Universe will have to meet a ton of different people and warm their hearts. She's meeting kids and the sick so she needs that smile that lights up the place and wows everyone so it isn't only sex appeal.

Now here is what I learned from this year's edition. They are returning to the old type or mould, meaning the era of Lara and Wendy are coming back. I noticed it last year with the choice of Mexico. She wasn't as playful as the last 4 Miss Universes she was definitely more mature but Angola's coronation to me proved they are returning to the classy winner's of old. Noticed after Riyo one in 2007 everyone and their mother was flying down the runway with these damned winged dresses throwing it around made worse by Taliana's Miss colombia 2008's trend continuing excellent performance in 2008. It's funny because when the entire thing started this season I was the one who said the last 5 miss universes except Mexico were these bubbly playfully immature young women who grin from ear to ear but now I think the focus is more about Class than youth and we need to read the trends wisely when picking our next delegate. By the way when I saw youth I mean bubbly and bouncy not age because they are still looking for a younger chicken just one with her head on lol.

I too don't think T&T will ever get the MUO pic due to many reasons but I do feel if we are a blatant favorite that missed the cut then I won't be surprised if we get one. Meaning like GB or Missosolgy number 1 pick kind of favorite.

The pageant this year I thought had a great batch of girls an excellent top 15 and an even more excellent top 5 that answered the questions extremely well. Do I think Angola answered the best it is extremely hard to say because to me all the responses were great (which leads me to believe they gave the girls the questions before to prepare) because no one even faulted to say um let me think lol. It was truly a suspenseful final 5 and crowning moment as I had no idea who would get it. That is how a pageant should be. This to me was the best edition of the pageant that I had ever seen. I was truly pleased.


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