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Subject: Lee Ann

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 08:17:40pm
Author Host/IP: c-69-137-6-131.hsd1.fl.comcast.net/

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[> Subject: Hey BeautySeeker...

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Date Posted: Saturday, September 17, 03:47:56pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1676.tstt.net.tt/

...thanks so much for posting LeeAnn's officaly MW pics. I actually did not see these before I made the post about her hair. I wanted to see about 4-5 inches more in length and I wanted her hair to have a bit more body like it is in the first pic (white outfit). The MWTT pageant team are being really smart this year - we have a VERY STRONG contender this year and essentially her look has not changed much. MW does not like delegates that are too polished. They want a humble girl, with a good heart who is intelligent but obviously needs to learn more -that is a representative who can grow the MW brand and charity work and at the same time grow into a confident young lady over her year as MW.

For now, I can't see Lee Ann missing the cut at all. She will be one of the top 20 in both BB and Top Model.

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[> [> Subject: Hey...

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Date Posted: Sunday, September 18, 07:19:08pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon1714.tstt.net.tt/

...did you see Lee Ann on the cover of Caribbean Belle magazine? She looks fantastic and I have to say she looks really great with the ponytail.

I believe MW delegates have to arrive in Londan on the 19th October so Lee Ann should be leaving in just about 4 weeks.

As is usually the case, the slate of MW delegates tends to always be a stronger batch of beauties than MU and this year is no exception. Lee Ann will have her work cut out for her but I expect her to at least place in the finals and make the top 5/7. She could win but as we all know anything can happen at MW.

For pre-arrivals, I am interesting in seeing Philippines, Serbia, Albania, T&T (of course), Guam and yes, Jamaica. The latin slate is always among the most prepared so I am just going to wait and see who stands out in London without the photoshop.

With respect to the MWJamaica 2011 pageant, I hope the local pageant teams paid attention for one big reason - I don't ever want to see a hot mess like that in TT. The only delegate in that slate who I was sure would be a standout in London was Chavoy Gordon (hopefully I spelt the name right) but her answer to the final question was a disaster so she ended up in 5th spot. Now, for the MT&T teams I hope they realize that they need to have their finals at least 6 months before the international pageant so that the delegate with the most potential can be selected regardless of how poorly she answers the final question. You can always work on interview skills and body tone but if the young lady does not have the potetial she will only clap for the international competition. It is hard enough to place when we send real competitors - let's not waste $150,000 or so just to send a clapper.

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