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Subject: Miss World TT 2012 and Miss Universe TT 2012

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Date Posted: Thursday, December 08, 01:40:02pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon3535.tstt.net.tt/

I have absolutely no idea if we will have a MW 2012 rep. but I am hoping that the frachise changes hands. That being said, it seems from posts that MW is already confirmed for July 2012 before the start of the Olympics. If this is the case I would be surprised if MU takes place in the same month (I am very interested to hear what MU0rg will say on Dec. 15).

For the 2012 cycle (assuming we will send both a MU and MW rep.) I just would like to request that we send ladies who are at least 5'10" in height. With respect to Miss Universe TT, I am hoping Shinequa Francis is selected and Christopher Nathan does not funnel her away into the modelling world. Shinequa's FB page says she is 5'8" but I don't think this is accurate since she appeared taller than Renee Bhagwandeen (5'9") in last year's competition and she completely dwarfed Gabby by at least 4 inches. I have to admit that it is very rare that we get a gem such as Shinequa Francis in a pageant. She could pull off VERY high SS and EG scores at MU if the judges and MUorg officials are fair. Additionaly, I have to say I see no need for plastic surgery - just quite a bit of gym work. She is a diamond and I have to say that I am even more excited that even though she looks nothing like Wendy she does have the Wendy aura. In fact, if MU and MW take place at different times next year I would say let Shinequa Francis be our rep. to both pageants.

On an aside, considering I have heard nothing about Shinequa Fernandez I am assuming she did not secure a modelling contract with Elite 2 days ago. If this is the case then I think Ms. Fernandez should be sought as a prospective future MU or MW rep. The Elite Caribbean Look 2011 showed that she can easily stand out of a crowd on her own.

Now with respect to our comments as to how our rep. 'works' the stage I have to say that once we have a tall rep (around 6') and she has a decent walk we don't have to worry about all this hoppla about "working it." Venezuela knows this and it is about high time that we face reality. Additionally, small boobs are good but if a rep. would look more competitive with a boob job then the franchise holer should tell her - it's up to the delegate to agree to get on. Both Danielle Jones and Gabby got boob jobs and it payed off.

"Valene Maharaj"
Well we all know that prior to MUTT2011 I held the position that Gabby should not go to MU and if you did not realise why, it is because I thought she would not place - Top 20 yes, but no way top 10 (based on the criteria we have been seeing for the last decade but especially since 2006). Well, so said, so done. However, I am glad that she was our 2011 MU rep. because I think it would have been a disaster to send Shinequa Francis when she obviously needed more time to prepare. Additionally, in terms of interview and interaction with the public, I think future MTT could learn something from Gabby. People who actually spoke with her at the MU pageant had only good things to say about her.

Now, with respect to the beautiful Valene Maharaj, I think it is pretty safe to say that she is no longer interested in being MUTT but I have to admit that she was someone who could have made top 9 on merit at a MU. Please people, if the MU and MW franchises end up under the same umbrella please consider sending the same lady to both the MW and MU pageants in the same year of her reign if she is as competitive as Valene.

Considering all the politics that I saw at MU2011, it might be wiser to crown one rep. to both pageants immediately rather than have a previous MW semifinalist have to reenter the MUTT competition in another year.

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[> Subject: Please have one pageant to select our 2012 rep(s)!

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Date Posted: Saturday, December 10, 03:22:16pm
Author Host/IP: cuscon3576.tstt.net.tt/

July 4 th is rumored to be the cut off date for the crowning of MU reps. Considering the Olympics will be taking place next year, I really would not be shocked to hear MU2012 will be in October.

I am just hoping that the MTTU, MTTW and the MTTE reps. are selected at one pageant. I don't see the point in selecting sub-par delegates to clap. It is hard enough to place when we send a competitor. Crown one rep. to MU and MW and another to Miss Earth. It will cut down on wardrobe costs and training costs while avoiding the recycle label that MUorg obviously dislikes.

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