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Subject: MUTT 2012 - end of week one

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Date Posted: Friday, September 28, 04:59:11am
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

I still have not figured out who is the best because of the lack of photos/video.

The 5 ladies who I am sure should not win are La Toya, Ria, Jessica, Avionne and Sara. Sara could still make top 3 though and Acionne could still make top 5.

Everyone else is still in the game

I think Amanda's face has a lot of sex appeal.

Shinelle has a great body and regardless of negative or positive views - she knows how to get tongues wagging. She should really try to not dress like Kim Kardashian.

I like Mary alot - she seems to be the one I am sure will place in the top 3 if things go well - but I am really cautious about her still because I am not sure how she actually looks on video. In a couple of pics, I think her face looks a bit gaunt and she tends to remind me of Miss Universe Jamaica 2012 at times (not good). Additionally, is something off with her legs?

If Mauricia gets her body in top form, I think she could surprise everyone and make top 2. I like her look alot even though I have no idea what her body looks like in a SS.

Last year's pageant team seemed to be in love with Renee. I still don't see it and considering Renee has the most pageant experience I would have expected her to give a solid interview - Nuff said! She can totally photograph well and looks fantastic with photoshop but onstage she is forgettable. PERIOD! Personally I would not place her in the top 3 but considering they eliminated Latisha who looks way better than Renee on video...maybe someone wants her to win.

So at the end of week one - I am most interested in Mary and Mauricia.

Although overall this is a good slate, I would suggest that for their next pageant Tribe only chooses 7 or 8 ladies. We really don't ever have more than 6 ladies who are up to par for the local competition.

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