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Subject: My Miss Universe TT 2012 mini-review

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Date Posted: Sunday, October 28, 03:18:21pm
Author Host/IP: NoHost/

Congratulations to Avi - our rep. to MU2012. She was my prefinal favorite. I think that with the right styling she will be a media favorite in Las Vegas. That being said, I think she can make top 30 but I don't see her making the top 15. However, I am hoping for a surprise.

Overall Production - good
Television coverage - O.K (there could have been closer shots of the ladies (entire body) while they walked onstage.
Hosts: Good. Danielle looked fantastic

Best in Swimsuit: Mauricia De Peza 2. Shinelle Leelah
Best in Evening Gown: Mauricia De Peza
Top Model: Avionne Mark

For me, just based on the final, I would have chosen Mauricia as the winner. However, I think she needed some work in the interview department. I hope someone encourages Mauricia to screen for MWTT 2013. I think she could do well at that pageant.

Everyone else were just there to make up numbers.
Mary Esdelle -the outright fav going into the local final- was a hot mess. If she plans to ever be MUTT, then she needs to get a breast reduction and stop looking so bored. It was very uncomfortable looking at her in SS.

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