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Date Posted: Mon, February 26 2007, 23:07:57
Author: Jeff Northridge
Author Host/IP: adsl-75-45-108-120.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net /
Subject: Re: Anyone that knew George W. Weldy Jr.
In reply to: Ruby B. 's message, "Anyone that knew George W. Weldy Jr." on Mon, February 26 2007, 17:42:40

Howdy Ruby;

USMC PFC George W. Weldy, Jr.'s MOS was 0341 (Mortarman) and his unit was Headquarters and Supply Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division. The 2nd/4th Marines' website at http://www.i-mef.usmc.mil/DIV/5mar/2bn4/ has some information, but no guestbook. The 2nd/4th Marines' homepage at http://unitpages.military.com/unitpages/unit.do?id=500020 has 719 former members on their roster many of whom have dates of service which overlap those of PFC Weldy.

There is a tribute to PFC Weldy left by a buddy on the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Wall as follows:

"gary buck
fellow combat marine
7169 north ballew rd.
columbia, mo. 65255
george we went to boot camp all of our training together and to vietnam . i want every one to know that you were a true marine and that you were afraid of nothing. i miss you and i know that you sore with the angels. i will never forget you or the good times we had. nor will i forget the bad times. we kicked those communist bastards asses that night. we fought hard that night.i dont know why i made it and you did not but i guess god had his reasons.you will not be forgotton. i want your kids to know that there dad was a true hero. i miss you and i know we will see each oyher again some day. i miss you and loved you like a brother. sleep well my friend you earned it and i miss you. your brother in arms gary w. buck ! see you soon.
Sunday, June 01, 2003"

And under PFC Robert Alan McCarthy (USMC) on the Virtual Wall is the following:

"A Note from The Virtual Wall
Fire Support Bases NEVILLE and RUSSELL were west of Cam Lo, with NEVILLE the westernmost of the two. In late February 1969, NEVILLE was occupied by Golf Btry 3/12 with Hotel Company, 2/4 as a security force. Five miles to the east, FSB RUSSELL had Hotel and Mortar Btries, 3/12, and elements of 2/4 as a security force - primarily Echo 2/4, but also elements of H&S Company.
In the early morning hours of 25 Feb 1969 both bases were hit hard by NVA sappers - about 200 from the 246th NVA Regiment at NEVILLE and an equal number from the 27th NVA Regiment at RUSSELL. In each case the attacks began with heavy mortar fire and supporting artillery fire from within the DMZ, followed by a ground attack clearly intended to destroy the artillery pieces in their gun pits. In each case the enemy partially overran the base, and in each case the Marines drove them out again. When the sun rose, the Marines had over three dozen dead and 100+ wounded, while there were 61 enemy bodies inside the two perimeters - but the guns had sustained no serious damage and were firing.

The 27 Americans killed at FSB NEVILLE were

H Btry, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines
LCpl Kenneth R. Gilliam, Lexington, KY
LCpl Norman W. Kellum, Corpus Christi, TX
LCpl Donald R. Lewis, Maysville, KY
Pfc Marion W. Lyons, Brentwood, AR
Pfc James D. Peschel, Boulder, CO
LCpl Gerald Przybylinski, Buchanan, MI
Pfc David L. Rutgers, Marshalltown, IA
LCpl Larry J. Sikorski, Fairmount, ND

Mortar Btry, 3rd Bn, 12th Marines
HM2 Kenneth Davis, Zanesville, OH

E Co, 2nd Bn, 4th Marines
2ndLt William H. Hunt, Merritt Island, FL (Silver Star)
Cpl Tommy N. Miller, Bethalto, IL
LCpl James D. Logan, Flint, MI
LCpl Bruce A. Saunders, Roanoke, VA
Pfc Robert A. Coffey, Greensburg, KY
Pfc Michael L. Jenkins, Covington, VA
Pfc Randolph R. Ramsey, Williamsfield, OH
Pfc Allen M. Sharp, Covington, KY

H&S Co, 2nd Bn, 4th Marines
Pfc Robert H. Brogan, Cincinnati, OH
Pfc Odell Dickens, Whitakers, NC
Pfc Douglas B. Forsberg, Minneapolis, MN
Pfc Juan Gaston, New York, NY
Pfc Robert A. McCarthy, Alden, NY
Pfc Norman R. Surprenant, Plainfield, CT
Pfc Robert H. Trail, Baltimore, MD
Pfc James E. Tucker, Miami, FL
HN Donald K. Walsh, East Lyme, CT
Pfc George W. Weldy, Amarillo, TX
There were 14 dead Marines at FSB RUSSELL - 11 infantrymen from 2/4 and 3 artillerymen from 3/12."

Quang Tri Province is the northern-most province of South Vietnam (next to the DMZ), but I forgot to get the URL for the 1:250,000-scale map of the area. If you're interested, then get back to me.

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