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Subject: excerpt of a news article

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Date Posted: 23:16:48 07/13/02 Sat
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Nancy's sons get new high profile lawyer" on 11:40:57 07/10/02 Wed

Source: www.heraldtribune.com

Geoffrey Fieger, the flamboyant Michigan attorney who handled Panitz's criminal case, once considered handling the Campbell family's civil case against Springer.

Fieger, who didn't return phone calls for comment Wednesday, is a self-proclaimed expert in talk show tragedies. He won a multimillion-dollar judgment for the family of Scott Amedure, who was fatally shot by a "Jenny Jones Show" guest after he told the man he loved him.

Although Rubin said he expects the Campbells to win much more than the $25 million awarded to the Amedure family, Fieger has said he doubts the strength of the case against Springer.

During an appearance on Geraldo Rivera's CNBC talk show in July 2000, Fieger argued that the problems between Campbell and Panitz predated their Springer show appearance and that it would be tough to link the murder to the talk show.

"In order to win this case, you have to prove to a jury in their minds, if this show didn't occur, he wouldn't have killed her," he said.

In addition to Springer, the suit names his show and Los Angeles-based Studios USA Television Distribution LLC.

Linda Shafran, Springer's publicist, said the show was an "an easy and convenient target."

"The murder of Ms. Campbell transpired nearly three months after the taping of the episode," she said. "Many events occurred that were totally unrelated to the show, making it clear that neither the show, Jerry Springer or the producers were responsible in any way for this tragedy."

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Re: excerpt of a news articleChris00:16:18 07/14/02 Sun

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