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Subject: Re: Forum spies are back from the paper

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Date Posted: 12:01:31 07/18/02 Thu
In reply to: Chris 's message, "Forum spies are back from the paper" on 11:45:23 07/18/02 Thu

Well Chris, that is their only way to get a quote from me. Jennifer Sulliven is hardly in a position to call me up and ask for a quote. She burned that bridge during the trial. All that paper has accomplished is to show how biased they are in their coverage of the news. I found out Ralf and I were being sued late yesterday afternoon when Liz Weaver from channel 40 news called and wanted a quote. It's not enough for the Campbell boys, I refuse to call them men, to try and get money from the show, they want any and all of my future earnings. Well it will be a cold day in hell before they get even a penny from me. They are taking their greed to new levels. As I stated to channel 40, if Ellis Rubins wants a fight he's going to get one. In a civil trial a lot of evidence that could not be presented in a crimminal trial can be admitted. I have more than enough information about Nancy to show what type of person she was. If her son's wanted to clear her name they picked a funny way to do so. They have left me with no choice but to drag every dirty little secret I know about their mother in defense of myself and Ralf.

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Re: Forum spies are back from the paperChris12:10:24 07/18/02 Thu

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