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Subject: Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trial

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Date Posted: 08:07:25 07/28/02 Sun
In reply to: Gina 's message, "Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trial" on 23:28:20 07/27/02 Sat

There is NO way this case can be compared to JJ. Nancy knew that Ralf and Elli had been involved, it should have been no big shock to her that they announced their marriage on the show. A little shock, yes, but only because RALF was the one who slept with her the night before, RALF was the one who played mind games with her, not to mention that Elli went along with it all AND it was Elli And Ralf who 'invited' Nancy to the show under false pretenses.

If it can be proven that Springer himself ordered Ralf to sleep with Nancy the night before, to keep leading her on, etc. then maybe Springer would be liable. Also, if Nancy was the murderer of Ralf and/or Elli then there would be a chance (small) of liability.

If the Springer show settles it will only be to shut the money hungry people up. Not because they feel they are at fault. If it goes to trial then there possibly will be so much negative information brought forth about Nancy and if her children allow that to happen then they are scum.

I respect your opinion Gina and I know you respect mine but we could go back and forth on this forever (I just deleted a LOT from this post!) so if you still want to 'debate' this, email me!!

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Re: Panitz judge won't do Springer trialElli14:17:27 07/28/02 Sun

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