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Subject: .:.Water droplets rage, rain like stinging arrows.:.

Raging River
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Date Posted: Thursday, July 03, 03:08:44pm

Name: Raging River
Nickname: Riva
Gender: mare
Age: 2
Species: Pinto Mustang
Color: bay paint- splashes of snow in a mahogany hide
Picture: http://www.pferdenet.de/Rassen/Images/Paint.jpg
Personality: Riva's still young, and she's very impulsive. Her appearance in unique, there aren't many pintos around here. She has the proud, wild bearing of an Indian princess-which actually she is, although she doesn't know it. Her exotic, but adventurous character makes her very hard to figure out, and not many do. She's the type to always keep you guessing, you'll never get bored around Riva!

Mahogany pistons thunder fluidly on the dry ground, churning the dust into small whirlwinds, beating in a rhythmic drumbeat, milky splashes contrasting brightly with the dark background, long midnight rapids on proud neck raging and flying. Filly slows and gives a playful buck, whirling and shying, dancing and leaping, spooking in a carefree game with herself. She then kicks up her heels and runs again, taking flight and leaping away. When she finally slows, a cloud of dust and wind swirl around her, the result of a swift, hard run. She throws herself into an ecstatic whinny, a wild, calling quiver of sound that challenges all the world to race her. Taking off again, she finally runs off her giddiness, for the time being. Liquid dark eyes like black diamonds look coolly around, small sculptured ears swiveling rapidly, chocolate nostrils flaring, scenting water. She follows the trail to a clear bubbling stream. Lowering her small muzzle, she drinks, refreshing herself. Lifting her straight, slim profile, she looks inquisitively about.

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As the Seasons change...Remember How I used to be...Seasonal GlorySaturday, July 05, 02:08:24pm

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