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Subject: ±headstrong I'll take you on±

Madgirl/§atan's Angel
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Date Posted: Thursday, July 31, 05:09:42pm
In reply to: Seasonal Glory 's message, "Seasonal Changes" on Thursday, July 31, 03:20:56pm

((I guess I can take that for now, but if we could have a challenge and the loser gets Back up and the winer gets LM. Because I really don't want to loose this place without a fihgt. Although technically, I'm not loosing it cause I'll be back-up. But still. Also, it promotes activity. SO in the meantime, if you want to put me up I'll see what I can do to stop sneaks*I have my ties...*. And excuse SA's behavior, she's a PMSing warrior mare.))

±As femme fatele moves unto the once lush jade grass of her rule, navels flare, catching the scent of her son. Heavily muscled stilts stop, causing obisidan scythes to sink into the earth. Auds flick back as the scent of another has been made. Ahh yes, the one who has taken my harem from it's rightful ruler. A strange glint comes unto the others orbicules as shoulder blades turn around and progression is made unto that of the enemy. Dirt is placed otherwhere as it comes unto the path of the wind~child. Ebon coat glints with the color of the night sky. Strangely light sky stained ooids set on their target. A rolling canter becomes that of a straight gallop, as ebon plumage flags, the tendrils caressing the wind. As the femora nears the other, no intention of stopping is made untl suddenly a rear is made. Straight unto the air she flys, yet her hind legs stay unto the ground. Scythes strike out, narrowly missing the other until she makes her loud landing. Her voice sounds out like the music of a harp, soft and sweet. Yet there is an edge in her voice, which few had heard.±

ºSeasonal Glory. The same greeting to you.º

±Her voice was blunt as she spat the name out. She was always protective as a leadmare. Afterall, she had been the one to train the heard when the war started. And ofcourse her past, but nobody knows of that...±

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^upon silent wings^ResaelisThursday, July 31, 08:45:19pm

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