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Date Posted: 16:52:49 11/21/02 Thu
Author: Raven
Subject: {Defense}
In reply to: Fyre 's message, "~pleased~" on 14:25:47 11/21/02 Thu

Extending her feet and crossing them at the ankles, she leans back slightly in her chair stifling a yawn before reciting what she knew of their security situation.
"Well, scince the Hall was rebuilt, the building itself has increased technological security and defense. We have a force field over the building that is activated by any unknown and unauthorized movements from the air..and can be programmed to respond similarly to side-movement. Our radar is fairly reliable, and connected to our satellites which give us a fairly broad defensive view of Tanari..given the resources we have. I would say the guards are a bit understaffed, but they rotate their rounds fairly, and a few devoted security members are better than a lot that are less close-knit."
She pauses for a moment, then continues on their sucessful security.
"I would say that the best defense we have is that our Alliance community is fairly small. Everyone is aware of the problems going on...and very devoted.. it would be very difficult for lower-class spies to slip in without being detected...."

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