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Date Posted: 19:55:31 02/04/00 Fri
Author: saint stephen
Subject: Ok, but I think we should include some thoughts on truth, just so it does not get cynical either...so lets offer some truths and not truths, just parts, and work upon what we agree on, so we can confront disagreement more civily latter.
In reply to: The Smashing Machine 's message, "OK" on 17:18:27 02/04/00 Fri

This is why I wanted you to come back, speech on the meat as speechy says. The truth knows no limits, it is not bound by anything, it is formless and intangible, the only limit it knows is self. Reality is not the truth, it is a desinger version of truth I feel. I think that knowing ones true self is a big key to tapping into the limitless possibilities, but not the only key. If we where indeed put here for a reason, and I am assuming that is beyond some higher form of intelligence's amussment, a big part of it must be to learn from our human experince. We must know ourselves, but know matter how far we dig we have been shaped by this experince. The world, this reality that the control freaks have desinged for us, is not the truth but it is here for a reason, all this technological progress and what not, it could be of imense positive value if it is put to use properly, we could have heaven on earth. That sounds like I am suplimenting my earthly desires right? I don't thinks so, it's like I said, why stand in the cold if we can enjoy the warmth of the hearth in the house. Certainly we may be able to be stohic and endure the cold, but why is that necassary. The average persons addiction to the modern life style is not the truth, it is an opiate...however, what if we could enlighten ourselves to the point of using these things with out being addicted to them eh? From there human experince, everyone see's things in a similar but much differnt manner, the closer they get to self, if they so persue, I think the views become more similar but still remain different. That is because truth is boundless, we are both right and wrong. Self truth is the truth, and it is not, for the truth is an infinte set of possibilities. The truth is one, but it is not...the truth is many, but it is not, the truth is the collective of many ones...if you get my drift. The current truth is that you are beaten into line from day one and from all directions, but that is just the current truth...the truth is if you can get a grip on yourself and see through all the illusions there is a diffrent truth...the truth is more then one person must work together to make it into a greater truth...the truth is we will have to comprimise bits and peaces of our personal truths to build a bridge to where all truths can be true...and existance where we work together with absolute freedom to persue our own truths, where no one is in control(a state of anarchy), yet everyone has there own messure of responsibity not to infinge upon the truth of another. The truth is in each and everyone of us, but to make it true we must not only find it through reflection, we must reflect by becoming the mirrors. The current mirror is the desinger truth, this reality, it reflects what most people see, they even get there reflection of self from it. Reason forces us to reflect, it is an endowment of creation, but it has been played upon by the power brokers of society...for an individual cannot be controlled easily...so they put up this mirror of society which reflects exactly what they want us to see, including a sense of self...this false sense of self is a limit, a chain the bounds us, the wheel that breaks us, it is not the truth...but unfortunatley so many people give it power that it is the truth, if you understand the contradiction. I feel I have truelly shttered that mirror and that I am starting to build a true sense of self, I understand more of there lies everyday, and everything gets so much clearer to me. I will start with that, what do you think? of course there is more, but lest take this in stages....and ugh, change the message heading in your reply:)

-saint stephen

p.s. the truth is not cutting yourself of from the world, it is proven that social interaction is not only healthy, but a lack of it leads to mental deterioration:)~

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