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Date Posted: 10:54:28 07/27/13 Sat
Author: Lois
Subject: Re: Jesus Christ --- An "Auxilliary God"/¿ Jesucristo - - Un "Dios Accesorio?"
In reply to: George 's message, "Jesus Christ --- An "Auxilliary God"/¿ Jesucristo - - Un "Dios Accesorio?"" on 19:47:39 07/26/13 Fri

>Jesus Christ -- An "Auxiliary God?"/Jesus Cristo
>--Un "Dios Accesorio?"

>Now that we all know that the Community of Christ
>(RLDS) has told the NCC that the Book of Mormon, and
>the Doctrine and Covenants of the Reorganized Church
>of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are "auxilliary
>scripture," what will follow?
>¿ Ahora que nosotros todos saben que la Comunidad
>de Cristo (RLDS) ha contado el NCC que el Libro de
>Mormón, y la Doctrina y los Pactos de la Iglesia
>Reconstituida de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Días
>Ultimos son "escrituras accesorias," qué seguirá?

>The statement that the Restoration scriptures are the
>equivalent of a "fifth wheel," was made to convince
>the National Council of Churches that the Community of
>Christ is just another generic Christian church with,
>like all generic products, a great deal of
>variabilitiy in the quality of the product.
>La declaración que las escrituras de Restauración
>son el equivalente de una "quinta rueda," se hizo para
>convencer el Consejo Nacional de Iglesias que la
>Comunidad de Cristo es simplemente otra iglesia
>Cristiana genérica con, como todos los productos
>genéricos, mucho de incertidumbre en la calidad del

>If Islam makes any headway in the United States, we
>may see the following occur:
>The Community of Christ will apply for membership in
>the Islamic Council and produce documents claiming
>that Jesus Christ is merely an "auxilliary god,"
>belief in whose divinity is not required, making the
>Community of Christ perfectly compatible with worship
>of Allah in the mosque.
>Si el Islam hace cualquier progreso en los Estados
>Unidos, nosotros podemos ver el siguiente ocurrir:
>La Comunidad de Cristo aplica para miembros en el
>Consejo Islámico y produce los documentos sosteniendo
>que Jesucristo es meramente un "el accesorio dios," la
>creencia en cuya divinidad no es requerida, haciendo
>la Comunidad de Cristo perfectamente compatible con la
>veneración de Allah en la mezquita.

>The appropriate Title for this would probably be:
>El Título apropiado para esto probablemente

>Fifth Column Calls Scriptures Fifth Wheel -- Is Jesus
>¿ La Quinta Columna Llama Las Escrituras la Quinta
>Rueda - - Es Jesús Próximo?

The community not of Christ has already implied what you suggest.

In 2002 one of the reports given to the world conference of the Community of Christ was H-8 Interfaith Relations Committee Report.

H-8 Interfaith Relations Committee Report

(H-8) "The most troublesome text for the Christian community regarding other religious traditions is to be found in Acts 4:12. This text makes exclusive claims to salvation through Jesus Christ and him alone. This text has tended to foster prejudice toward not only Jews but all other religious claims as well because of its exclusivity. This text is best understood within the context of the sermon preached by Peter in the company of John and others. It should not be universalized and become a framework for either missional or theological purposes."

Community of Christ 2002 World Conference Bulletin pp. 75-78)


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