Date Posted:23:01:04 08/05/06 Sat Author: Kande's Sis Subject: The Mayor rethinks her retirem In reply to:
kenamom, now a certified mommy too.
's message, ""I fink I bwook my fooff...."" on 19:16:19 07/19/06 Wed
And has turned her old neighbor's house into a Reno-esque gambling lodge.
Kande leaves her office with her new false teeth. "Say, K-eth," she lisps, 'have you theen Bubba or the monkeyth?"
"You mean the sock monkeys?" KS enunciates slowly and clearly. "Yes, Bubba took them across the street at the new gambling den."
Kande grits her new teeth so hard they pop out of her mouth. "Stan? Lilly Fey, the $2,000 cross-dressing monkey I made for the demonseed AND the Mayor's monkey?"
KS nods. "Yup, all three."
Kande clenches her fists. "My God, how can you people be so irresponsible as to let three sock monkeys go and gamble?"
KS looks up at her sister, bored. "Sheesh. First you complained that Stan was playing around with the Barbies and drinking martinis. Then you stuffed Lilly Fey into a box and mailed her across the U.S. God only knows what you did to the Mayor's monkey. And you're complaining about them gambling? Lilly Fey is just trying to raise a little money for a sex change operation."
"He doesn't even know what sex he is."
"HA!" KS pumps her fist in the air. The patrons of the Klub turn to look at the sisters, then hastily look back at their rootbeers. "I thought you didn't know how to sex the monkeys."
Kande turns red. "I didn't say I didn't know how to sex them. I just said I wasn't obsessed about it."
"Hmmph. Riiiiggghhhtt."
"Anyway," Kande hastily changes the subject. "What are they gambling with anyway? I don't pay Bubba and the monkeys don't have any money or any pockets."
Just then the Mayor bursts through the doors. "Woo hoo! I was over at the new gambling den playing poker with Bubba and the monkeys and guess who's the new Klub owner?"
The Mayor waves the title to the Klub under Kande's nose.
"Honestly Kande, if you don't want the monkeys gambling, you shouldn't send them out with the title to the Klub, the title to your car, or your credit cards."