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Date Posted: 21:09:54 06/23/14 Mon
Author: Bernard Mc Dermott (disgusted)
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-71-149-96.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: About That Witchcraft I was speaking of long Ago

Do you realize something? That Lazlo was using some of the worst South American witchcraft just like the Stones Did as he was in cahoots with the Stones and trying to hide the fact.As a matter of fact some of his posts were so Insulting to Poor Brian Jones who I now know was so nice that he has the nicest family, the nicest Mothers for his children that he was actually legally married to, albeit briefly,and often Prayed in his garden as you will read when that book is released in October. The truth is that you dont have to worry about that Lazlo and those Rolling Stones again because they were using this magic against Brian and all of us. They are now Dead in Japan because The Holy Trinity killed all the witches in the world because the Pope Wanted them to, Thats why. This includes such celebrities as my ex-band members, John Lennon and Yoko Ono who I contacted in the year 1975 and every mafia in the world who are now all dead. Brian Jones is now in Heaven because God Wanted him there and looks over all of you,as is Gerry who started this board long ago. So there is no need to worry, I am not actually crazy but was bewitched into it a long time ago by certain members of the Republican Party who Knew I hated Nixon so much I wanted him impeached. It was all started by a teacher named Mr. Brown who was a teacher at Pratt Institute an erstwhile art college I was attending in 1973. This is where Brian Comes in. while I was having this "Psychotic episode' as they call it I noticed a picture of Brian Jones on my friends wall which was the back cover of his Pipes of Pan at Jajouka album which was dated June 6, 1971 which was the night I danced on stage to Rolling Stones Songs such as "Dontcha bother me" and others. The Stones were actually there dressed as hippies as well as members of the Republican party which Loves The Rolling Stones because they make money for them so in conclusion all I have to say is they STILL hate me and will be the next to go because God hates their witchcraft SO MUCH they will all be dead by the time I finish this letter.This includes every Psychiatrist, every Therapist and counselor I have ever had to deal with because thyre all REPUBLICAN. So I love you very much as usual, peace and love and jajouka, Your fellow stone alone in Brian and Gerry, Bernard

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