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Date Posted: 17:02:26 05/21/14 Wed
Author: Lazlo (yet another Brian e-book)
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Case Closed

Hold the phones, stop the presses, drop your dossiers! No need for anyone to investigate Brian's death any further.


Looks like we'll all have our answer as to how our hero, Brian, expired! For those too lazy to click the link, here is the book description:

"Was the founder of the popular rock group, the Rolling Stones, really murdered as many have claimed? Thanks to an amazing psychic investigation, the truth is revealed -- in an astonishing "interview" with Brian himself!"

The nice thing about this e-book is that it is only an estimated(?) 45 pages long, no sense of having 200+ pages of words and sentences and stuff hogging all that file space!
When I "previewed" the book, all that can be seen is the cover, title page, disclaimer, table of contents and maybe three or four short introductory paragraphs with no mention of Brian Jones. I was intrigued by the chapter's titles, particularly Chapter 5. Contact and Chapter 7. We Get A Response. It makes me wonder if Mary Hallet's end table was used to contact Brian for this interview?
I did find the disclaimer notice highly entertaining, especially where it said that the book was (pay attention here Delilah) "presented solely for motivational and informational purposes only". Being entertained isn't one of those purposes listed, so anyone looking for enjoyment or entertainment from this book should steer clear.
I wonder if the author is aware that the whole "interview with Brian from beyond the grave then write a book" fiasco had already been done by that kook 'whatshername back in 2007? Regardless, it is refreshing to see that being dead for almost 45 years hasn't prevented Brian from doing interviews to inform us all how he was killed. Kudos to whoever Brian's publicist may be.
I don't think I'll ever read this, but I have to admit that this has become my new favorite Brian book.

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