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Date Posted: 13:29:33 07/24/14 Thu
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Keeping the record straight
In reply to: Matthijs 's message, "Re: A Documentary this Thursday on Brian" on 12:18:28 07/24/14 Thu

While we are on the subject of keeping the record straight, this fellow countryman of yours pulled a lot of shit right here on Lars five or six years ago. Your countryman impersonated a lot of people on the internet (including Gerry Seda and myself), foolishly not realizing that all his fraudulent e-mails and posts went right back to his personal IP address at his home/business. When your countryman was exposed for all his impersonations, he claimed that some other dude must have pulled all that crap and cleverly used some nifty software to make it appear that the posts and e-mails were coming from your countryman! In all, I think he impersonated at least ten to fifteen different people/entities that I'm aware of. The ironic part was that no one even knew who your countryman was until he started impersonating everybody, so how would anyone know to use this software against him?

Your countryman still denies this happened to this day, he continues to lie and claim that he was "hoaxed".

If you doubt me, I can prove everything I've just stated above.

As much I'd like to believe your countryman did some solid research on how Brian died, your countryman has done so much to undermine his credibility, there is no way to trust what he has presented in that book as the truth.
I did see the thread on IORR where your countryman showed up to plug his book when it was released last year, but I elected not to post there and re-expose him for all the shit he pulled. Nice of me, huh?

Matthijs, I am well aware of what a skeptic you can be, especially when it comes to Brian Jones. If I were you, I'd think twice before shilling for your fellow countryman before he makes you look like a fool. Just thought I'd return the favor of setting the record straight to you.

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