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Date Posted: 11:26:08 11/10/14 Mon
Author: George (Lazlo you have a point)
Author Host/IP: c-71-63-15-4.hsd1.va.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "Re: What Really happened in February 1967?" on 17:09:33 11/03/14 Mon

Hi Lazlo:

Some great points made. It's somewhere in between probably. I believe Brian loved Anita as well as the Stones (Brian's baby). In the book, it clearly states that Brian was ready to leave the band as early as the first few month's in 1965. He was THIS CLOSE to leaving right then. But he stayed and appeared on the Ed Sullivan show in New York. It was during this time that Brian stayed with a close friend while in New York and had reached a vital pivot point with the band. He was catching hell from the other members (the unholy trio) and couldn't take it any longer. For some reason, he could NOT make up his mind and leave at that point. He wasn't sure what to do so he did nothing in the end. Later that same year ALO had the movie CHARLIE IS MY DARLING made and you hear Brian's famous quote "Let's face it, the future (Brian's) with the Rolling Stones is quite uncertain" or something like that. It was Brian's way of saying he was not sure what was going to happen. But you can SEE & HEAR the conflict in Brian. Again he did nothing.

It wasn't until later that same year (September 1965?) that Brian met Anita and the talk of leaving the Stones was never brought up again by Brian. Anita definitely (short lived of course) gave Brian a boost in self confidence and a place of power within the band again. The book definitely puts Brian against Mick (rivalry). Both fighting for Keith and the axis of power goes back and fourth (Keith jumping back and forth being friends with Mick & Brian) for well over a year and half (while with Anita) until Anita defects to Keith. Keith wins the girl (Brian's girl), Mick as well and Brian is the ultimate loser in the power struggle. Brian is used for his musical talent, idea's (song credits never given (sometimes promised) to him but Jagger/Richards) and good looks (band's popularity). Shortly after the 1967 European Tour Brian gets busted by the Police (1st time). From that point the harassment by the Police and to some extent Mick/Keith proves to be the straw that breaks the Camel's back.

Brian lost his girl, his band and most of his friends all at once. He started to hang out with the wrong people, told NOT to hang out with the Stones (by his own Lawyers) and admitted guilt (Stash admitted he was innocent in court) rather than innocent in his defense case (poor Lawyer advice in my opinion). He was told not to hang with Stash or anyone else that was a good friend at that time. Of course, he did way too many drugs and drank a ton which definitely did not help. Sad sad story but a damn good read (book)!!

Hope everyone is doing well.

All the best,


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