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Date Posted: 17:09:33 11/03/14 Mon
Author: Lazlo
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: What Really happened in February 1967?
In reply to: George 's message, "What Really happened in February 1967?" on 11:16:54 09/24/14 Wed

"Was it because Brian lost the love of his life, Anita? Or did Brian feel abandoned/betrayed by the Stones (Keith and Mick)? I suppose I should say only say Keith and not Mick because it was Keith who stole (he says recued) Anita away from Brian"

If I had to choose George, I'd pick the latter. From what I've read, (haven't got Trynka's book yet) I don't think it was as much losing Anita as it was "losing' Keith. I think that was the ultimate line drawn in the sand that there was no coming back from.
For some reason, I really don't get the impression the loss of Anita left Brian in a perpetual sulking mode as history's somewhat made him out to be. After the departure of Anita, Brian seemed to do alright female-wise. Off the top of my head, I can think of Nico, Linda Keith, Suki Potier, Anna Wohlin, and of course, we now know that Brian managed to father a daughter also. Not bad for a guy who supposedly lost the love of his life, huh?
Additionally, I never went for the "Keith stole Anita from Brian" mindset. Keith didn't "steal" her. She went quite willingly. In hindsight, for Brian's sake, Keith really did Brian a favor by running off with Anita. Imagine if it were Brian that Anita got hooked on heroin? He might not have ever lived to see 1969!

As far as the band goes, Keith running off with Anita created too much of a rift between Brian and Keith (who by then was very solidly aligned with Mick) to ever recover from. Brian's days in the band were numbered from then on. I don't see it as much of a downhill slide as I do seeing it was Brian getting his act together enough to walk away from the band he created and try to stand on his feet again. Too bad somebody killed him before he could get the chance.

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