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Date Posted: 13:56:26 12/16/14 Tue
Author: Bernie (Honest)
Author Host/IP: cpe-74-71-149-96.nyc.res.rr.com /
Subject: Who could be more Decadent than mick and Keith?
In reply to: Bernard 's message, "Brian Jones is STILL "The Godstar"" on 13:00:43 12/04/14 Thu

As per my comment about Mick..He puts on Personas like some people chenge their clothes..of Course Brian was decadent, but they were even more so. I dont like their violence and sadism..Theres a badness about them Ive never liked since I was young, a lot of the people in their lives are really horrible, Like Allen Klein for one,and an example is a drug dealer of Keith I met a long time ago through an ex friend of mine who was a junkie herself..I mentioned I loved brian Jones and often emulated him and ended up getting a phone call in the middle of the night with Him saying "I want to talk to Brian Jones"..most likely the 2 of them got really fucked up together and decided to Bug me. Ive also known other Dope addicts who all had Keith stories to tell. As for me, I never shot drugs in my life, and had to work difficult day jobs"Let somebody do the dirty work, find some loser find some jerk"..I resented Keith and Mick as early as 1973, and still find them hard to stomach..but all these well to do Junkies I met in College, if theyre alive still love them most likely..Im no angel or saint, but I dont practice witchcraft or write violent lyrics..Im still working on Pauls book,listen to Aftermath and Metamorphosis occasionally,as well as a lot of new music. Im glad to be a survivor as I have said before,and now as the holidays approch, I wish you all the best holidays and may you get all you want Not just For Christmas, but in 2015. Its been a helluva long time since I first met Gerry (RIP) and Roxanne, The first Real Brian Fanatic I ever met, and since I played with a full band..I hope i get to play soon with bass, guitar and drums and would like to do some recording next year..(so what If I suck? I still enjoy it!) Love and Peace. Jajouka, your fellow Brian Lover B-

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