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Date Posted: 08:48:17 09/20/16 Tue
Author: EL
Author Host/IP: pool-173-54-170-47.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net /
Subject: Re: Not sure about hiding but they must know
In reply to: Lazlo 's message, "Not sure about hiding but they must know" on 19:51:25 09/19/16 Mon

Thank you, yes still alive & kicking.

Please, allow me to offer my views:

The Hyde Park gig. If I'm correct this gig was a freebie.... a free concert based on the publicity and success of Blind Faith's free concert gig earlier in the year. No money to be had, so perhaps Brian just busied himself with his other projects. Also, a world tour is a lot different than a gig in your backyard- albeit a very large back yard!!.

"If the story about Brian was to be receiving some sort of financial settlement was true, then I'd assume this was all worked out PRIOR to the Hyde Park gig. The whole problem I have with your theory here EL is, if Brian did agree to a lump sum payment along with yearly annuities, then why stop the band from going out on tour and making records to earn income so that they could continue to keep paying him?"

True. IF they were to pay him! Allen Klein's business life was a constant and never-ending series of lawsuits all based on the fact that he was simply not too fond of paying his bills. By all accounts, he was not to be trusted. Now, it's very possible that when Brian saw no money coming in from his settlement [supposedly $100,000 plus yearly annuities]and remember, the Stones were CONSTANTLY calling and sending Telexes to Klein's New York office from London DEMANDING he send them the money he OWED them, maybe Brian decided to take matters into his own hands - hence the trip to NY. My music business lawyer in the 1980s in New York was a senior partner in the same firm Allen Klein used. I'll quote my former attorney, in reference to Klein "To know him is to love him"

AND he was DEFINTITELY being sarcastic!

"Gerry ran into Brian twice EL (you must remember now!)."

Well....I guess my memory is not as sharp as when I was younger. But yeah, I do. Yes, no doubt Brian went to meet Klein at his office.

"Again, I don't think there was a worry about a cancelled tour."

If Brian did indeed hold the rights to the name "Rolling Stones" and Brian did not offer legal permission for the Stones to perform under "his" name... well, there would be no tour, period. Brian's lawyers could serve papers not allowing the necessary permits, insurance and everything else without legal permission from the copyright owner. I still think Brian threatened Klein with that scenario unless he got his money. Or, maybe it was just ego. Either way, it sure seemed like Brian held all the cards right up until July 3, 1969.

Lastly, an extended WORK visa and a visitor's visa were, I believe two very different things in 1969 - and while Brian was cleared to visit the States I think his drug convictions may have prevented him from working here. Not really up on the visa laws from 1969, but I do think that's true.

That's my take. All the best wishes to everyone.

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