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Subject: Show You’re Special By Treating Customers As Special. | |
Author: Dennis S. Vogel |
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Date Posted: 14:19:59 02/22/22 Tue Show you aren’t just another retailer with offers to create & preserve progress, not just products/services. Customer integration expresses concern for special customers & their situations. Customer integration includes efforts to understand how to define & offer specific value for customers’ conditions. In a medical joke, a patient said, “It hurts when I do this!” A doctor replied, “Don’t do that.” How would patients overcome limitations if “this” action is a felt need for achieving/maintaining results? People often are aware of a few options because when something seems to work, more options seem unnecessary. Limited time/supply offers involve urgency to disrupt procrastination. People may procrastinate because of conflicting priorities. Uncertain people might hesitate because they don't understand how to use products & methods to optimize results. Reduce hesitance with full offers of checklists & consultations to 1) evaluate conditions & options for creating progress &/or 2) diagnose problems to inspire customers' certainty about plans including product choices. In consultations with research, you can help customers with advanced & basic decisions. Example: Simple changes can encourage customers to cook savory meals including onions. People might think some things are inevitable like eye irritation while preparing onions. Irritation can be reduced when people choose the right onions & use sharp knives in favorable conditions. Recommend comfortable knife handles & sturdy blades to cut onions & minimize crushing cells. What Do Customers Want To Produce & Prevent? Prevent damage & harm with results that maintain quality. Quick actions might become habits that seem to work unless people can evaluate results based on current & future needs. Products & actions can cause benefits & problems. People might act quickly to eliminate negative causes & effects without knowing negative effects of remedies. Example: People might know only about insecticides killing bad insects. People, who kill pollinators, have reduced fruit & vegetable harvests. When people claim they’ve done EVERTHING to solve problems, it often means people did the few things that seem to fit. After EVERTHING fails, people lose hope. Are there other resources to add effective, efficient functionality to familiar products & practices? If not, do you offer different options to match customers’ hopes & conditions? Since functionality is required to create & maintain results, people need to learn to use & maintain functions. Even when direct function control is hard, some things can be influenced. Analogy: Physiological functions are necessary for life & science reveals total physical & mental health is a combination of integrated factors (diet, rest, exercise, etc.). The wrong levels of factors undermine control & influence. There are generally normal ranges of factor combinations & optimal individual levels. Example: Since tire inflation pressures are set for vehicle models, performance & safety depend on matching conditions & vehicles with specifically inflated tire models. Random or unevenly inflated tires increase fuel consumption & risks. Whether customers need plans, formulas &/or recipes to optimally use products, your success depends on offering condition-specific values. Product instructions aren’t for customers’ specific needs & some product combinations can be suboptimal or hazardous. When discounters only value is low prices, your knowledgeable goal-specific offers are superior. Diagnostic, Remedial & Prognostic Format: ‘(Outcome) happened because (reason). (Aftermath) is happening & is apt to continue unless (products) are used to (create result). (Store) has checklists & processes for determining causes & severity of effects. For superficial cases, your project should stop (problem), clean surfaces & prevent recurrence. Use (products A&B) in steps 1-4 until (symptoms) disappear. Use (products C&D) in steps 5-8 to repair damage & remove (residue) & you can see (cause). Use (products E&F) in steps 9-12 to remove (cause) & do steps 12-14 to install (products G&H).’ Analogy: Light bulbs, batteries & electricity are more than conveniences, because people reduced the risk of using fires for light. Risk reduction increases hope. How can you help people switch on hope with fewer risks? Whether darkness is visual or hopeless feelings, long-term darkness can seem to invade people. Outer darkness can be dispelled, but people need to push out inner darkness & fill that space with what fills them with light. Invasive darkness feels like it has weight. What can you offer to lift, remove & prevent turmoil? You can do this by creating & enhancing pleasure to prevent, reduce or replace what’s disquieting. Whatever is quietude to people might be upsetting to others, so there are boundaries. People might not know about boundaries including legalities & practicality, plus personal & social comfort. Advise customers to talk with lawyers, doctors & neighbors about limitations before starting projects. When goals, limitations & budgets are used for planning, you can confidently explain how products & methods fit. Benefits Make Your Store Important. Customers rate your store’s importance according to how your offers contribute to life quality. Life is a series of inputs & outputs. Since customer integration adds physical &/or mental inputs into life functions, explain how your offers help people create & continue present & future life quality. Help people organize activities & inputs into progressions which imply the hope of progress. Superficial hope isn’t secured by actions & collapses under life’s pressures. People can sustain some hope in fighting problems or fleeing if resources outlast challenges. Since people are limited in fight or flight abilities, they need to rest without losing progress. Functional hope brings people assurance of not being overcome by problems because projects are designed with optimal steps & effective products. Hope declines as options fail to create or restore functionality. People might misinterpret what’s missing or why factors aren’t connecting. As a specialist, explain how factors connect & interact, so customers can understand how to optimize benefits. Unsolved problems seem to pressure people into quick actions possibly with inaccurate diagnoses &/or inadequate products. People might not pursue another option because they’re embarrassed & discouraged or they used up available time, money & energy. If you advertise offers after people typically notice problems, it might be too late to avoid mistakes & excess pressure. Help Customers Define Plus Establish Control & Stability. Financial pressure, legal obligations, social expectations, family responsibility & other external priorities seem to press on people. Each priority causes stress. The combination causes distress. Restricted resources bring pressure of choosing what to delay & tolerating remaining troubles. Help customers determine which problems will become worse, stay the same or fade without remediation. Even if people can afford to solve some problems, it’s important to prioritize what disrupts personal & domestic stability. When people feel conditions are out of control, refuges are vital so people can rest mentally & physically. Common advice is to not multi-task. Multiple responsibilities & stressors push subconscious minds to multi-task & use energy needed for functioning. Hope maintenance depends on knowing how to get out of stressful conditions. When thoughts & energy are thinly spread, functionality can drop & cause mistakes which reduce hope of solutions. Functional hope is more than wishing without ability to create results. There’s agency in functional hope, because people are inspired to be change agents. Functional hope works by focusing on acquiring & using what’s available for each step plus how steps contribute to goal achievement. How much can customers benefit from the functionality level they can afford? If customers can’t afford the minimum necessary, would finance charges of loans be too burdensome compared to not having results? How long can customers afford to wait to save enough money? Would benefits of partial results make it worthwhile to start projects with expectations of finishing later? It’s important to consider customers’ contexts, so you integrate products & plans into current results plus goals. Consultation Example: ‘What changes have you noticed between when you were satisfied & dissatisfied? Has anything physically deteriorated, did conditions change or both? Please describe that deterioration & condition changes.’ After defining conditions & goals: ‘Since your goal is (result), your usual options are choosing good, better or best quality. The best option is what fits your budget & the combination of needs, desires & expectations. It can be like choosing cars. People might want luxury cars but can realistically afford & expect mid-price cars lasting 5 years without expensive repairs. People might need basic, safe transportation for commuting to work & shopping. We can explore needs & if your budget covers more than you need, we can compare costs of your desires with your remaining budget. Let’s compare your budget & desires with realistic expectations in emerging conditions.’ Define customers’ abilities to benefit from & maintain results: ‘(Maximum result) could last X years. Are you apt to use it that long or potentially upgrade? Do you need the highest quality result enough to warrant this investment? Let's compare the minimum benefit you need with the maximum you can afford, so we can develop your best value. To maintain (result), you need (products & skills). Let's evaluate the maximum & minimum quality you can afford to create & maintain with your time & money.’ Thank you for using my blog. Please let me know if I should clarify anything. Copyright 2022 Dennis S. Vogel All rights reserved. When you compete against big businesses with big budgets you need powerful marketing strategies & tactics. You'll find them here- [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
Subject | Author | Date |
Re: Show You’re Special By Treating Customers As Special. | Dennis S. Vogel | 14:45:54 03/01/22 Tue |
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