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Date Posted: 14:19:09 02/19/02 Tue
Author: Anonymous
Subject: freedom to be yourself

It is the most fundament element of our life to be free.There is no one that can truely inprison us but ourselves.Certainly there are physical restrictions that can be placed on us but that is not the prison of your spirit.
Freedom of self is beyond captivity, mental torture , or economic limitations.
But to know and to feel such freedom takes work and dedication.You must free yourself from the normal conditions and reactions from the above limitations.
How do you return love for hate or friendship for rejection?
FDIscover yourself. You are not the person your ckircumstance dictate you are.
Poor because of a lack of funds is not not poor in spirirt.
When meditate on the puirity of your heart with the divine there will come a joy that overcomes all hardships that have made you bitter and hard to live with.
That divine joy will c hange your circumstances.The poeple around you will be changed.They will be forced to support you.
You say that is such a tail?Try it.
But beware it is not an easy journey.You have to face yourself. This is ware you need to divine intervention.
Pray for the divine support.The quest to find your true self.

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