Date Posted:16:57:54 01/10/02 Thu Author: ~Mysterious Vixen~ Subject: ~mistake~ In reply to:
Pepsi and Naranja
's message, ".: Contempt :." on 10:36:07 01/10/02 Thu
^As one tries, so also must one fail^
~ebon-hued hellion moves 'cross the plain, firey presence showing through orbs, rage and contempt presented toward other as challenge is heard, onyx pistons leap into motion as approach is made, audits pinned 'gainst cranium, onyx daggers slide to a halt before inferior as burst of wind is passed through flared nasal, accepting challenge~
^As the sun also rises and sets, this hellion shall rule the eve^
^As one tries, so also must one fail^
~ebon-hued hellion moves 'cross the plain, firey presence showing through orbs, rage and contempt presented toward other as challenge is heard, onyx pistons leap into motion as approach is made, audits pinned 'gainst cranium, onyx daggers slide to a halt before group as burst of wind is passed through flared nasal, accepting presence of other, banner flicking wildly awaiting the fight to come~
^As the sun also rises and sets, this hellion shall rule the eve^