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Subject: Take off

Ti Konflict
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Date Posted: 11:14:26 05/14/02 Tue
In reply to: Lance 's message, "Let's raise the stakes a bit shall we?" on 07:10:39 05/14/02 Tue

OOC: Lance, Zara...where are you guys based out of, where do your characters find themselves currently? I'd like to know so that eventually Ti finds his way in that direction. Thanks.

IC: ///Tinker Bell...runway 3 is clear for take off...over...\\\

Ti, already in subconcious mode, goes through the manouvers without even thinking about them. Flicking switches here and there and ending with a thrust of the throttle that propells Tink to the skies. She has the ability of vertical take off but such take offs are much less efficient in fuel consumption than the runway take offs, so whenever there is a runway, Ti makes sure to use it.

Soon he exits the atmosphere and enters the vast blackness of space. Millions of stars wink at him flirtateously, a thought that would normally make him smile only makes him more somber.

Omari's words are still echoing in his head. ///Nana is dead\\\ Ti shakes his head. How is that even possible? Since childhood he thought the woman to be eternal. Of course he knows that she was not and that such an illusion was impossible, but still. He figured that if she was going to die, she would have done so of natural causes. It was hard to believe that the sweet, wise woman that he had grown to love, Omari's grandmother, was no longer with us. She had given him a lot of advise...as a matter of fact when Ti was away from his own family and unable to contact his own father, it was Nanna who councelled him.

She had always been so generous and helpful that he found it hard to believe that her death had actually been set up, but in retrospect...he supposed it made sense. Perhaps in her own unique way she had become too strong of a voice that somebody (the government, the syndicate, an underground group...) had to silence her. She had numerous contacts many of whom had eventually led important movements such as the revolts of Mars back in 2021. She was the Rosa Parks of her era, not so much a direct force to deal with but definately a voice to be heard and an icon.

Ti sets the coordinates to head to the nearest gate and locks in the cruise control. He leans his seat back and with his hands supporting his head he looks out the bulletproof shield at the expansive space above.

Now the million dollar question was, how would Ti help. There were a number of small bounties that the Tiger had given him to work on. He supposed he could work on those and take Nanna's case on the side. But there was still a lot he didn't know about her 'case'. There were few facts that Omari mentioned. Fact one, the means of death was her medicine. The autopsy showed traces of Black Death on her heart tremor tablets. Black Death was a poison that had been developed in Io in the later part of the last decade and one that was extremely effective managing to leave no traces over enough time, but a speedy autopsy would have found small traces in the kidneys. That is essentially what happened. Fact two, Nanna got her medicines from the black market to avoid the high prices meaning they were smuggled in to Mars and conviniently enough the man that sold her the drugs had vanished into thin air.

But even then Ti knew that the pharmacist was only the messenger and not the one behind such an act. He would have no motive, she was after all a settled client, unless somebody offered him a large sum of money he would not have been willing to risk it.

With only these two clues to help him out, Ti would have to find the men/women behind this heinous crime. And at the same time keep the bounties comming so as not to raise Tiger's suspicions, he did after all keep a close eye on Ti, knowing that the man was dangerous and essentially owed him his life.

An alarm goes off inside the cabin snatching Ti from his thoughts. He clicks a button that mutes it. His computer coordinates show that he is approaching the gate. Sure enough he sees it in the distance. A number of other ships are awaiting their turn. Ti takes Tinker out of autopilot and slowly makes his way to the gate.

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Giggle monster!Zara22:42:09 05/15/02 Wed

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