Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood
Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt
Please also see his websites with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.
Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias
Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:
Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:
Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:
Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:
All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.
Knut Holt
Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex
Girl, Asia, scool age and teenage, body tests and pelvic exams combined with psychological therapies
I am a female. It happened when I was a school-aged child and also as a teenager in the year 1980 - 1989, in Asia.
I was examined in a special psychological health center, somewhat like a spa actually. Parents drove me. A therapist did the exam. No other was present at firsm but then parents some visits, several nurses and medical students in others.
They examined my head, teeth or jaws. They did an orthopedic exam. They examined my genitals.
They inserted instruments into my mouth. They inserted instruments into my vagina, speculum but also fingers. They performed a psychological exam. They took x-rays of the examined areas. They took ultrasound pictures of the examined areas.
I was totally naked. They insisted upon total nudity at all times.
First they said they were going to teach me to be comfortable with my body. Then had me take all my clothes off, talked about each body part in detail as it was exposed. After that talked to me and showed me puberty charts, comparing my body parts with other girls and women. Then had long talks about how I felt and how I should feel, any issues I feel etc.
Thereafter various kinds of touching, mostly external to explain that my skin is normal and healthy. The exam always ended with a photograph taken which I got a copy of to keep. I was asked to talk about all of my bodily functions in detail and demonstrate them.
What do you think was the reason for this exam? My parents and other adults were concerned that I had a problem with being naked in front of others. What is your opinion about thios experience? At the time I didn't understand but now I do, and wish it continued today with modern young people.
The therapist watched me pee anytime I had to go, following me into the bathroom.
They palpated my outer female genitals. They spread my genital lips to look inside. They examined my vagina with a speculum. They took speciments (pap smears etc) from my vagina with an instrument.
They performed an outer ultrasound exam of my female genitals and lower tummy area. They perfomed an ultrasound exam through my vagina.
They also checked under my clit prepuce, pulled on lips, rubbed a lot.
They spread my cheeks and examined extarnally my rectal zone.
Someone strange person came and performed an intimate exam even though I was called in for quite another reason. Someone strange person came and performed a social interrogation even though I was called in for quite another reason. The exam took a very long time. They were long and frequent and went on for a few years
Psychological or social counceling as follow up: I had many more of these until I was comfortable enough to masturbate to climax in front of them.
It is possible that the reluctance of the girl for showing herself made the parents suspect the girl has some disease she tried to hide or that she was used sexually by somebody and tied to hide it. The body manipulations was of a kind that could give reactions suitable to reveal such social issues.
Girl, Bolivia, 13yo, cystoscopy in a health center followed by her mother
My doughter had cystoscopy. I brought my daughter in for an exam when she complained of some pain downstairs. The exam took place in South or mid America, Bolivia, when she was 13 years old, Year 2007. She had cystoscopy in a health centre.
We got no explanation in the first place . The exam was a total surprize. The doctor didn't talk much. I brought my daughter to the health center. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed.
Then taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.
I undressed my daughter completely. In my country exams are always done in the naked. I signed a form saying the medical staff could do as they liked.
She got pain-killing gas through a mask that made calm and sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on her back with straight legs, then lay on back with legs in stirrups. The doctor put my naked daughter in a lot of positions, including "Frog leg" position, during the examination. She just got a little gas to calm down, but was awake.
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area. They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and genital area. They were very quick probes, the doctor said everything was fine.
While we were there, he gave her a full head to toe physical examination, saying it was good to have these done as often as possible, and that I should do them for her at home as well.
Diagnosis - urinary infection. He said she had a mild UTI and some cranberry juice would clear it up. If it didn't, I should come back for another exam and get antibiotics. The reason was urinary infection.
It was useful. I would bring my daughter to this doctor several more times, he was good and thorough.
The procedure was done as it should be done, with just that anesthesia needed to make the girl comfortable, but not the exaggerated anesthesia often use in North America and Western Europe, which adds discomfort before and after the exam and adds risks.
A consent where the parents allow the doctor to do anything, is however not a good thing. A concent form should explain exactly what procedures they intended and only ask concent for that.
Edited by Knut Holt
Girl, 11yo-16yo, used as a treining object for pelvic exams for medical students
I am female. It happened As preteen age 10-12 and early teen 13-16. The procedure happened in Asia, except Russia in the years 1980-1989.
I had an exam or procedure through my vagina. It was an exam for the training of medical students. I was asked if I would help them out, and I agreed. It was mostly an exam of my genitals and a bit of my breasts and legs.
The shool was involved but the procedure occured mostly at a health center. It was a teaching hospital, I was 11 the first time but I went back several times. It was just so I could help medical students practice examining. I was taken there by my parents.
Strange persons appeared around me before and after the procedure than those I expected to perform the procedure. The school health service was more than usually interested in me around the time of the procedure, and asking questions or doing exams that did not seem to be related to the procedure.
Actually I was nude throughout. They gave me gas through a mask. I was mostly given some oxygen, though it tasted a tad odd. kind of minty. I got electrodes on my chest to measure my heartbeat, one on my neck, and one on my inner thigh. I was awake for all of it, just nice and sleepy and calm.
They kept saying they would do one more kind of exam, then another, and another. They were pretty thorough in their examinations, and because there were so many students, most things got repeated so each group could get a good look. Everyone examined me a lot, they checked over my limbs, looked into my vagina, pulled up my clitoral hood,
I think that examination procedures should be a lot more transparent. There's a very silly modern idea of ""privacy"" that only means if there was a bad doctor they would have an easier time getting away with abuse. Better that everything is in full view of a lot of witnesses, there's nothing to be embarrassed about if you're getting your body treated or examined.
No catheter, but I did pee in a cup. No arrangement in my anus but they did take my temperature rectally, also vaginally and orally and in my armpit. I did have electrodes on my chest to measure my heartbeat, one on my neck, and one on my inner thigh.
The teaching hospital surely cooperated with the school health service to find children they could use for teaching purposes, and the parents were probably connected, possibly to ask for permision, and surely to get them bring the girl to the hospital at the right times. Possibly the parents got some money.
The ansethesia was surely N2O-gas, often used to calm down patients before procedures.
Edited by Knut Holt
Teenage boy, Western Eyrope, complete health and development check, included internal pelvic exam
I am a male. I was a teenager. Year 2000 or after. In western Europe. I was examined at school. I was examined in a health centre.
Please tell more about the place where you was examined. Health centre at school by school nurse. How were you taken to the exam?Walked. Who did the exam? Two nurses. Who was also present during the exam? nurses and other students.
They made interrogations about my social relations and my daily life.
I was totally naked. My positions during the exam: Lying on my side and on my back I got a mild oral sedative to relax me but not to make me sleep. They inserted tubes into som blood vessels. I got electrodes on my body to record meurological and other functions.
They examined ears, nose, mouth, throat, breathing, heart, blood pressure.
Then they checked abdomen including x-rays and ultrasound and poking.
Then Checkrd genitals completely. all parts. including ultrasound from front and from between legs.
And then checked inside rectum, I think to check prostate and sexual organs.
They also took blood, urine, semen, nasal swab, throat swab.
They did an orthopedic exam.The exam ended with a complete muscular exam and response times to needles etc.
They slid down my foreskin and spread my urinary opening. They used a catheter to collect urine. They inserted a scope to look into my bladder.
They palpated my outer male genitals and testicles. They peformed a ultrasound exam on my genitals, including my testicles. They collected a semen specimen by means of prostate massage through my rectum. They examined my prostate with an ultrasound sond into my anus. They palpated my prostate with a finger into my rectum.
They let me masturbate to collect a semen specimen. They inspected firmness of erection and movement of testicles during arousal and orgasm.
They spread my cheeks and examined externally my rectal zone. They inserted a speculum into my anus to examine it internally. They took some measurements inside my rectum or bowel with a long tube-like instrument. They looked in through my rectum with a rigid optical scope. They examined my rectum with an ultrasound sond.
They performed internal ultrasound of prostate and other organs
I had strange irritation in my urethra and bladder zone. I knew it was examined, but left a weird feeling like some more was done than that i knew. The exam took a very long time. I think about 2.5 hours
What do you think was the reason for this exam? Did not know. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.
This was a general health check combined with a complete check of pubertal development status. It seems like it was mandatory for all students at the school during the puberty. The exam seemed to be performed by nurses with training in the exam protocol, but the collected data were surely gone through by doctors afterwards.
They seemed to have measured the inner sizes of his rectum and lower colon and probably measured muscular responses in the rectum and lower colon. In the material I have, this is very often reported, and most often on boys. It looks like authorities in some societies are very concerned about the rectal state of boys for various reasons.
It looks like they performed an electrocardiogram with electrodes on various places on the body. Furthermore is seems like they performed a neurological and muscle response exam with ordinary and needle electrodes.
This last exam is not common by development checks. The thorrough sexual reaction test is not so common either, but it occurs sometimes. Probably the exam included these elements for some research project.
Generally this looks like a shorted version of an international exam protocol that many societies around the world do on kids at specific ages, but with an extended muscular test as an added ingredient.
The exam took probably longer time than 2.5 hours, but the anesthesia made it difficuolt to record the time exactly.
Edited by Knut Holt
Girl, 9yo, Eatern Europe, pelvic exam and fondling and neurological tests by tutor
I am a mother, and this handles about my doughter that they examined at the age 9, year 2000 or after, in Eastern Europe. It happened at the house of a private tutor, in a room in the basement.
The tutor examined her with nobody other present.
He examined the organs inside her stomach, her genitals, her rectal zone, and generally her pelvic area. He inserted instruments inside her vagina and into her rectal opening. He also performed a neurological exam with elctrodes on her body.
He injected her with a relaxing drug which also was pain-killing. She got sedated but awake.She was totally naked and was placed laying on her back on the table.
He asked my daughter to undress. Lay her on the table on her back. Gave her a relaxing drug. Tied her legs and arms down. Began fundeling her nippels, vagina and clitoris, until she had an orgasm.
She felt realy cheap, embarrest and ashamed, about having an orgasm in fron of him. What do you think was the reason for this exam? He just felt for it. What is your opinion about this experience? Good for him.
He palpated her outer female genitals. Hespread her genital lips to look inside. heexamined her vagina with a speculum. He also tested her clitorial reactions.
They spread her cheeks and examined extarnally her rectal zone.
She was called in for quite another thing, but he also examined her genital and urinary zone. She was tied down, and it took him almost 2 hours. The exam took a very long time. The exam did not result in any diagnosis.
What this tutor did was sexual abuse and he highly probably had sexual gratification for the handlings. Still it possible that he did not do it only out of his own idea. Maybe he cooperated with some authorities in the community in order to check something and reported what he found back to these authorities.
These authorities might have been child protective agencies that tend to give children anesthesia more or less clandestinely and subject them to pelvic examinations, or let some kind of professional do it for them.
Possibly the ansethesia was meant to hinder the girl remember, and that more persons were in the room when it happened, but that she still remembered that reported here.
In the report it is told that he used electrodes at her body to test neurological reactions. This makes this assumption more probable.
It is also possible that the neurological examination was a part of the tutors service, but that he in addition took the opportunity to use the girl for own sexual gratifictation. The exact answar depend upon what kind of tutor this was.
Knut Holt
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Testamonials about cystoscopies or bladder inspections done on children and teens -- Knut Holt, 02:57:06 06/06/17 Tue
These historis ar a result from a poll about Experiences with Cystoscopies or Bladder Inspections
If you want to vote in the poll, this is the adress:
Assambled and edited by
Knut Holt
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By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument, and sometimes the examination is extended all the way up into the kidneys. Sometimes the exam is a part of a more comprehensive inspection that also includes examination of the digestive system and genitals. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies.
In some communities a cystoscopy, usually in combination with a other endoscopic inspections, seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening.
Here you find testamonials from a poll that has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.
Cystoscopy and colonoscopy at school, boy, 13yo, USA, Boston
I am male. The exam took place in mid North America, Boston, when I was 13 years old, Year 2011.
Had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school. Parents said something like: The doctor shall look at you down in your stomach.
Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got pain-killing gas through a mask that made me calm and sleepy.
The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys. They also inspected the whole colon - full colonoscopy.
Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam. Had to have catheter in the bladder during night.
All prepuberty boys in my area has a mandatory cystoscopy. It was painful.
This boy underwent a full endoscopic inspection of his urinary system up into his kidneys and a full endoscopic inspection of his anal area, rectum and colon. It was not asked about it in the poll, but probably he also underwent a full exam of his genitals and pelcic area and stomach with ultrasound equipment and taking of specimens of microbes and secretions.
These full pelvic exams with often similar inspections of other body areas seems to follow a standard procedure. In certain districts in some areas round the world these seem to be mandatory for children and teens at certain ages, of which the age level 12-13-14 seem to be the commonest. Some of these districts only do it for boys, while others for both boys and girls. Those doing it only for boys seem mainly to be in USA and Canada. The district in Boston where this boy went to school seem to be one of these.
The purpose of these mandatory exams seem mainly to get a view of the development status of the kid, detecting development abnormalities, investigating signs of sexual activities or sexual abuse, education of new doctors in doing endoscopic exams, and for scientific research.
MALE, 19YO and later 60-69YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEARS 1960-1969 AND 2006
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America. Massachusetts. I had on exam when I was 19 years old and another when I was 60 - 69 years old. Years 1960-1969 and Year 2006. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital and also in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason.
For the 1st exam -- driven to exam (rigid scope) at hospital by parent For the 2nd exam -- drove myself to clinic (flexible scope) by myself.
Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.
Probably about 1. exam - Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Got a a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Was put totallly to sleep. Fell totally in sleep after the medication.
Probably about 2. exam - Had to walk by myself to the exam.God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy.
Exam prosedure:
Was totally naked during exam.
Probably 1. exam- Lay on back with legs in stirrups. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside.
Probably about 2. exam -I lay on my back with streight legs. They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
Diagnosis and treatment:
No special more arrangements. Got mediaction for infection.
Reasons for the exam:
1) possible cancer - not found 2) blood in urine - no problem found
Judgement: Probably about 2. exam: It was useful.
Probably about 1. exam: It was unneccessary. It was painful. It was humiliating or awful.
These experiences tell that young people are often put totally to sleep for these exams, actually first and foremost to hide details for them. Yet the ordeal feels awful, probably because the side effect of the anesthesia gives greater discomfort than the procedure itself would have given with only local anesthesia, and probably because the general anesthesia is in itself as humiliating as any intimate procedure.
The second experience tell that the cystoscopy procedure without general anesthesia feels les humiliating or discomforting that the procedure done under general anesthesia.
BOY, 20YO, India, YEAR 2010 - cystoscopy for urination problems
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in Asia, India, 20 years old, Year 2010. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. By nurse with towel. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.
Exam procedure:
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
I am not sure, but had pain on the sides of my back as if they inserted the scope even further up towards the kindeys. They inspected anus with a scope. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam.
Folloe up:
Got mediaction for infection.
Reason for the procedureand judgement:
The reason was problems with urination. It was unneccessary. It was painful.
This was probably a full pelvic examination through both the pelvic openings and also an inspection all the ways up to the kidneys.
GIRL, 3 and 10 YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEARS 2000-2004
I had cystoscopy - I am female. The exam took place in North America, 3 and 10 years old., Years 2000-2004, Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.
Preparations anesthesia:
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy.
Than gave gas and oxygen and was held fully sleeping. I am not sure, but had sore throut afterwards. Therefore I believe that they put a tube down through the throut.
Exam procedure:
They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
They also inspected with a scope some way up into the colon - sigmoidoscopy.
Arrangements after the exam:
Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam.
Had corrective surgery as a follow up..
Reasons and judgement:
All girls in the area has a mandatory cystoscopy before beginning school. It was unneccessary, but it was not any big deal.
This is one of many testamonials that certain societies subject all children to a comprehensive endoscopic pelvic examination at certain age levels, and very often under anesthesia. It is a curious fact that some of these soicieties seem to have the procedures mandatory only for girls, others only for boys and still others for all children. In this case the procedure might have been useful because it discovered something that needed corrective surgery, most probably a reflux problem.
Girl, 4yo -12yo, San Jose, CA, Cystoscopies connected with dvelopment research and sexual abuse
I am female. I had problems down there. The exam took place in North America, San Jose, CA, every year from I was 4 yo to 12yo, years 2004-2016.
A doctor and nurse team performed the cystoscopy in a home visit, my father would be present during the exams.
Got some plain lie. My dad said it was necessary. It was a different doctor and nurse every time. The exams would happen several times a week. It was at home. my dad would have me strip naked before the doctor and nurse got there. Given enema during preparations.
First the nurse and then the doctor would touch me all over. It seemed to concentrate on my breasts and pelvis.
God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Got a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Got very sleepy but was conscious.
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped upp the bladder with air or gas when looking inside. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. They also used an ultrasound probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.
They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and pelvic area. They inserted an ultrasound probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and pelvic area.
As soon as a scope would start to not hurt they would start using a thicker one.
They inspected anus with a scope, and performed vaginal exams with a scope.
they always hurt. when i was 10 my vagina would get wet even though it hurt.
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.
For hours after i also had a vibrating object in my vagina.
Got hormonal therapy or other medication for development disturbances. Had to have a cathetherization routine.
The hormones made me develop sexually very early. by age 9 I was wearing a special bra size 26C.
Had cystoscopy because of social or psychological problems or behaviour interpreted as symptoms of such problems. The cystoscopy was a part of a research project. I also heard them say that it was experiment in early sexual development and sexual response.
It was humiliating or awful. Since i was developing early my dad would have sex with me starting at age 7.
The girl is still only 13 years old. It is possible that some adult that know about these ordeal helped her answar or answared for her.
It is possible that the girl had a development problem they treated her for in the first place, possibly involving a too narrow urethra and narrowness in other parts of her urogenital organs, and possibly problems with pelvic functions and behavior interpreted as abnomal.
Possibly this community have a regular team that visit children in home do treat development problems and cooperate with the parents.
But in this case the ordeal seemed to have developed into something much more that was not for the good of the girl.
It seems like they used the girl in a research project regarding sexual and bodily development, and this experimentation must be regarded as child abuse. The father also used the ordeal as an opportunity to take sexual advantage of her doughter for his own gartification. The father probably got money for letting this project use her.
Some of the medical handlings described like feeling all over her body and the use of steadily thicker instruments in her urethra are not necessary wrong if it had been treat a development problem, but here it seems like much of the purpose got to be for experimentation.
Knut Holt
GIrl, 12 yo - Poland - cystoscopy to explore urination problems
My doughter had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Eastern Europe, Poland at 12 years old, year 2011. The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. She was brought there by me, the mother. The reason was problems with urination.
Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema during preparations. Vitals taken like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.
Anesthesia and arrangements:
Got a shot to calm down and make sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.
How the exam occured:
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.","They took out the scope and inserted a new scope to take further specimens. The scope or a new intrument was inserted even further up towards the kindeys.
They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the anus to inspect the bladder and genital area. Other additional exams.
Arrangements before the exam:
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed more that a day after the exam. Got medicines into urethra with a syringe after the exam.
Diagnosis and follow-up:
Diagnosis - valves or constrictions in the urethra. Had corrective surgery. Had to have a cathetherization routine.
It was unneccessary. It was painful.
It is uncertain how much of the information given here that is from what the doughter experiemced, from the mother present and seing all, or from information given.
The procedure described is a fairly standard examination for children with problems during urination. But it was added that other exams were done, but not what. The ultrasound inside her anal region probably had the purpose of getting a broad pelvic overview. In boys and younger girls the anus is typically used for that exam. In girls in full puberty and adult women the ultrasound is more often performed through the vagina.
Children that have such procedures will always be totally naked during preparations, and mounting, but then other body areas than just pelvic zones is usually covered. In the recovery period, the kid will again often be totally naked under a blanket.
If she was totally naked all the time, they probably did some additionl tests further up in her body with external instruments too, most probably ultrasound exams or x-ray pictures taken. The purpose was probably a full assessment of her development and pubertal status.
I guess that the mother left the room just after her doughter had been mounted so that she did ot see the whole procedure. I think that her doughter then was intubated, given full general anesthesia with artificial breething during the procedure, but not given information about this. The long recovery time seems to indicate that.
The mother indicates that she deems the procedure unneccessary. If she had a narrow urethra or some blockings there, it could have caused bigger problems in the future. But from the account it looks like they corrected it with a more major surgery, while it could be corrected with a fairly easy procedure.
Girl, Bolivia, 13yo, cystoscopy in a health center followed by her mother
My doughter had cystoscopy. I brought my daughter in for an exam when she complained of some pain downstairs. The exam took place in South or mid America, Bolivia, when she was 13 years old, Year 2007. She had cystoscopy in a health centre.
We got no explanation in the first place . The exam was a total surprize. The doctor didn't talk much. I brought my daughter to the health center. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed.
Then taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed.
I undressed my daughter completely. In my country exams are always done in the naked. I signed a form saying the medical staff could do as they liked.
She got pain-killing gas through a mask that made calm and sleepy. Was totally naked during exam. She lay on her back with straight legs, then lay on back with legs in stirrups. The doctor put my naked daughter in a lot of positions, including "Frog leg" position, during the examination. She just got a little gas to calm down, but was awake.
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area. They inserted an ultrasond probe in through the vagina to inspect the bladder and genital area. They were very quick probes, the doctor said everything was fine.
While we were there, he gave her a full head to toe physical examination, saying it was good to have these done as often as possible, and that I should do them for her at home as well.
Diagnosis - urinary infection. He said she had a mild UTI and some cranberry juice would clear it up. If it didn't, I should come back for another exam and get antibiotics. The reason was urinary infection.
It was useful. I would bring my daughter to this doctor several more times, he was good and thorough.
The procedure was done as it should be done, with just that anesthesia needed to make the girl comfortable, but not the exaggerated anesthesia often use in North America and Western Europe, which adds discomfort before and after the exam and adds risks.
A consent where the parents allow the doctor to do anything, is however not a good thing. A concent form should explain exactly what procedures they intended and only ask concent for that.
Edited by Knut Holt
Girl, 15 yo, Nevada, Cystoscopy to investigate voiding difficuloties
I am female. The exam took place in North America. Nevada, in 2003 When I was 15 years old.
The cystoscopy occured in a hospital. I got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. My dad took me. It was a follow-up after visiting my primary doctor when I had minor pains and some difficulty peeing.
Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Given enema at home before going. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained.
I lay on back with legs in stirrups. I got np anesthesia. I wasn't really worried or anxious or scared so i didnt need anything to calm my nerves. I got lubrication of my peehole but i dont think it had any pain killing effects. It felt weird but didn't really hurt.
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They also used an ultrasond probe on the stomach to inspect the bladder area.
It was inconclusive. They didnt find anything wrong with me. suggested I drink plenty of water, cranberry juice. and green tea, and a followup with my primary doctor 2 weeks later unless it got worse.
The reason was problems with urination. The followup appointment was fine. My symptoms were gone. Doctor said it might be due to stress or something. It might have been where I worried it into existence. Had some trouble peeing, and some minor pains down there that led to speculation with me and my mom about what it was, which caused more turned out to be nothing.
It was useful. It was not any big deal. The exam felt really weird like it should hurt somehow but it wasn't painful at all. I think getting that exam put my mind at ease and whatever it was just went away.
With modern equipment and with a gentel approach a cystoscopy is a very easy procedure that can be made painfree without deep sedation or general anesthesia. In reality can the anesthesia give more disconfort, trouble and risk than the procedure done without. Doing the procedure as in this case is mostly the best way.
Yet many health institutions always subject children and teens to deep sedation or general anestesia for this procedure and other simple procedures. This shows that there is a great amount of dishonesty in the health institutions and that they often do additional things they do not tell to the kid and not to the parents either.
But this girl was taken care of by a staff working in an honest way.
Knut Holt
A female friend had cystoscopy. The exam took place in North America, USA, 17 years old, Year 2010. The cystoscopy occured in a hospital.
She got now explanation. The exam was a total surprize. Her mom and I went with her.
She had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. Shen got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. While in bed given medicine to get very sleepy but was awake. The whole bed was rolled with her upon when the time for the exam had come.
Taken vitals like temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. A consent formula was presented and signed. She got a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Got very sleepy but was conscious.
Exam procedure:
Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups. I do not know how the exam was done.
After the exam:
Had catheter in the bladder some time after the exam. Had to stay in bed some hours after the exam.
Diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis - reflux of urine up towards the kidneys - Vescicourethetral reflux. She had corrective surgery.
The primary reason for the exam:
The reason was problems with urination.
It was useful.
It seems to be common that young people are brought in for intimate exams without getting to know what shall be done. It is also typical that the staff tend to use general anesthesia to avoid rememberance of the experience on young persons. But ironically, and tragically the anesthesia causes more risks and more discomfort afterwards than the procedure itself would have done with only local numbingh ans cautious handling.
A female friend had cystoscopy. The exam took place in Western Europe, Germany, 30 - 38 years old, Year 2006. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Friend was with her. She had to walk by herself to the exam. A doctor came, asked questions and explained. She got lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. She lay on back with legs in stirrups.
The exam procedure:
They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra.
No special arrangements. She got mediaction for infection. The reason was problems with urination. It was useful.
Answer 11 I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Canada, 30 - 38 years old, Year 2007." Had cystoscopy in a health centre.
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. Drove in my car. Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy.
God lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. Lay on back with legs in stirrups.
Exam procedure:
They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. hey pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
Other exams:
The doctor perfoomed a aDRE to check the prostate. Nospecial arrangements.
Other follow-ups, please comment. A kidney ultrasound. The reason was problems with urination. It was not any big deal.
MALE, 30-38YO, NORTH AMERICA, YEAR 2000-2004
My brother had one done. The exam took place in North America, United States, Erie, Buffalo, 30 - 38 years old, Years 2000-2004. Had cystoscopy in a health centre. Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. He was brought the exam by his girl friend.
Preparations for the exam:
Had to stop eating several hours before the cystoscopy. He walked by himslef to the exam. A consent formula was presented and signed.
Exam procedure:
I do not know all of the specifics for this examination, so I have only chosen those items that I am certain occurred. The others may have, but I do not have knowledge of these. He god lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Was totally naked during exam. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra.
Diagnosis and treatment:
Diagnosis - urinary infection. Got mediaction for infection.
The original reason for the exam: The reason was urinary infection and problems with urination.
It was useful. It was humiliating or awful.
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America, Canada",30 - 38 years old, Year 2009.I Had cystoscopy in the doctor's or nurse's office at school.
Got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. my wife Wnet with me. While in got medicine to get very sleepy but was awake.
I got lubricating and pain-killing fluid inserted in through the pee-hole. Had a gown around me, but the lower body was naked. I lay on back with legs in stirrups. They put a flexible snake-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside. I also had a dre to check the prostate.
Original reason:
The reason was problems with urination.
It was not any big deal.
This is the third adult respondent that tell they got cystocopy at school. They possibly work at the same school that has a large medical service for the kids and the employees.
I had cystoscopy - I am male. The exam took place in North America.,usawife dro, 30 - 38 years old, Years 1970-1979. Cystoscopy occured in a hospital.
I got an accurate explanation of what should be done and the reason. wife went with me to hospital. Got to a special preparation room. Had to undress completely and go to bed. Got a hospital gown before going to bed. Given enema during preparations.
Got a a tube into a blood vessel to give anesthesia. Was put totallly to sleep. They put a rigid stick-like cystoscope in through the urethra. They pumped up and irrigated bladder with water when looking inside.
Othet exams:
They also inspected anus with a scope. No special arrangements.
Diagnosis and treatment:
Got mediaction for infection.
The original reason:
The reason was problems with urination.
It was not any big deal.
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AIRSOFT GUNS, RC MODELS, CAR PARTS, EROTIC PRODUCTS, NATURAL MEDICINES for affordable prices -- Dr. Jim Sellman, 02:49:17 06/06/17 Tue
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Norway is misleadingly on the top of the World Happiness Indes of 2017
The WOrld Happiness index of 2017 has been published with Norway at the top, which is totally misleadig, because the Norwegian population is not a very happy one.
I guess that the amount of money pent by the public on each individual and the average income of in the population are fators contributing heavily on this index.
Indeed, the Norwagian society spend a lot of money on each individual, but much of this money goes to ordeals that is of no use whatsoever, or amounts to downright abuse of children and adults for the proffit of some few.
Norway has for example a highly corrupt child protective system that is allowed to do whatever they want with any child in the country. A horryfying number of Norwegian families experience weekly that this system comes in the night or morning, brake into their home, snap their children, and bring these to unknown places where the child is used for the proffit and gratification of people, companies and instances unknown to the parents, and all this without any real legal responsibility.
This also happens to children of foreigners visiting Norway.
Norway also places a horryfying number of individuals that do not conform to strict standards in spychiatric institutions that serve as concentration camps, but are worse than mere concentration camps because the individual are subjected to heavy medications that brake them down physically and mentally, also this without any lagal responsability.
Norwegians seem to have a high income, but the Norwegian population is the worst dept-ridden in the whole world, and the prices are so high that Norwegians practically are the poorest in Western Europe.
Add to this health services that loook fine from the outside, but do not produce much health, a constantly bad weather, a society steadily more ridden by puritan fanatics, services that often do not work, bad food quality in the stores and a high unemployment level hidden in the statictics by various tricks.
Norway should have gone far down on the list. Very few Norwegians, except a class of profitters agre on this placement. By the way, I am Norwegian, and I have left the country and stedily more of us do as soon as we have the opportunity.
By Knut Holt
The Witch Hunt against Trump and His Administration
Donald Trump calls the play going on against him as the greatest witch hunt in American history. Any person that has the ability to observe and analyze understands that Trump is right. What is going on is a centrally planned, orchestrated and choreographed process going on among politicians, the services of the state and the media to tople Trump and his administration from their positions and replaceing them with something different not revealed to the public.
Furthermore one uses all psychological methods in the book to lure the common public to take part in this conspiracy.
One part of the tectics is to disturbe Trump and his administration as much as possible practically and psychologically so that he makes failures and even begin to behave like a madman. An then thay can point at him and claim that he is not mentally sane and must therefore be replaced.
The process is not only going on in USA, but extends to the allies of USA like France, UK, Germany and Norway.
Trump is perhaps not the best fit man for the job he has. Even if this might be the fact, this conspiracy is a threat against the democracy itself and against the freedom of the common man and woman. The aim is to replace a democratically elected American precident, perhaps not quite ideal, with something far more dangerous. In the next face the aim is to achieve something similar in the allies of USA, including UK, Germany, France, Norway and others.
What we see is a battle in a long term process of replaceing democracy and personal freedom with the dictatorship of the deep states, in USA and the allies of USA.
Those rolling out this process see Trump as a threat to their long term plans and they are determined to get rid of him for that reason.
By Knut Holt
Methods to get bigger penis and bigger and more effective eresctions
By Knut Holt
A fairly common wish by man is to get a larger penis, especially in the erect state, but sometimes also when flaccid. The objective for this can be a penis of less than normal size, causing physiological problems. The common length of an erect penis is from 12.9 to 15.0 cm (5.1 to 5.9 inches), which is shorter that commonly believed. Other times a man thinks he simply will feel more well with a bigger penis, which might be right or wrong. In either case there are many methods used to achieve the wanted result, but none of the methods are well investigated scientifically, so that the judgment of the methods must be based on personal reports from men having tried them.
A group of methods are based on a daily stretching of the penis in a long period. The mechanical forces thus exerted will stimulate the tissue to get thicker and more robust, which is a basic response from tissues in all body part when subjected to daily mechanical forces. By stretching with a right degree of force, microscopic cavities will also form in the tissues. These will be filled with new cells so that the tissue expands. When stretching the penis to expand it, one must balance the forces so that they are effective, but still not make symptomatic injuries.
One traditional penis stretch method is sitting with a weight hanging down from the penis in a cord for up to half an hour each day. Usually one uses an elastic ring or lock around the penis just under the penile head to fasten the cord. One can also find arrangements that pull the penis upward with a cord and some elastic mechanism fasted in a belt around the neck or the waist. Using a too heavy weight or pull, using a too tight ring around the penis, or stretching too long each time by these methods can however cause tissue injury or scars. Also the groin area will be stretched, and this can cause unwanted expansion of the tissue also there.
Also manual manipulations of the penis so that it gets stretched and the blood flow is stimulated has a long tradition. One popular method, called Jelqing or milking, is to massage the penis from the root to the tip with a certain well calculated force. By massaging with one hand and holding back with the other at the groin around the penile root, one avoids an unwanted stretch at the groin tissue. You can easily find manuals with specific instructions for penis massage with the purpose of making the penis larger and more effective. Based on personal reports, one must do these exercises consistently at least 20 minutes each day for several months to get visible enlargement results.
A too narrow foreskin can be treated by sidewise stretching at the foreskin tip some minutes daily during a period. One must use a certain force, but not so great that it injures the foreskin. The method works best when the foreskin tip is elastic and soft without indurations or scar tissue. The foreskin stretch can be a very effectively treatment of narrow foreskin, especially in younger boys and men.
A method to expand the penis in length and girth is the use of a penis pump up to half an hour each day in a period. This device is a vacuum pump connected to a cylinder that one places over the penis and with the opening of the cylinder tight against the groin. One makes a partial vacuum in the cylinder which will make the penis expand so that it is stretched to all sides. These devices are also used to gradually correct problems with penile shape such as twisting and curvatures. There is a danger for tissue injury and bleeding inside the penis if one uses a too high vacuum or uses the pump too long.
Use of penis pumps during 6 months to enlarge the penis in men with a penile length less than 10 CM has been investigated by one scientific study, which concluded that the method was not effective (by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh). In spite of this 30% of the men in the study was satisfied with the results.The use of penis pumps to correct anatomical misconfiguration caused by Peyronie's disease was also investigated in a scientific study, which concluded that the method was effective for this purpose (by the Department of Urology at St Peter's Hospital). This study could also report a lengthening of the penis, even that this was not the objective of the treatment.
Another enhancement option that uses the stretching principle is the application of a so-called Penis Traction device. These are small and light mechanical devices to be mounted on the male organ and worn some hours each day in a period until the man gets satisfied with the result. The device grips under the penile head and it is also based on the groin around the penile root. The device exerts a gentle traction along the penile shaft with a spring mechanism. These devices are constructed so that they can be bent down or up and shielded under the clothes. By this method one can also straighten a penis that is twisted or bent, for example due to Peyronie's disease.
The forces used by this method is better controlled than by the use of weights or pumps, so there is little risk of damage caused by restricted blood circulation when used as recommended, and there is no danger of an unwanted stretching in the groin tissue.
By penis enhancement surgery, the ligament holding the penile base fixed to the groin area is cut, so that a part of the penis usually hidden under the scrotum gets free. This way the visible penis gets longer, but no penile tissue is actually added or expanded. One often also fills crushed fat tissue under the penile skin, which makes the penis thicker. After the surgery the penis appears to be moved to a place further down and it will get less stable. The fat stuffing can get irregular and it will reduce sensibility by shielding out mechanical stimulation.
For some men the problem with their penile size is actually a problem with inefficient erections so that the penis does not get well enough filled. In that case drugs to make the penis fill itself more completely during erections may help for the problem.
When the erections get effective, the penis can get considerably longer and thicker in the erect state than before.
For that purpose one can find pills, transdermal patches and ointments based on herbal ingredients to stimulate erections, or one can try pharmacological products to normalize the erectile potency.There was for some time a belief that penis pills also could get the penile tissue grow larger. Most, if not all, manufacturers have ceased to claim this as an effect.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. To find products to stilulate sexual drive and pleasure, to make big and hard erections, to ehance penile size and to solve problems width the genital organs and sexual functions, please go here:
Peyronie's Disease and Abnormally Bent Penis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
By Knut Holt
Peyronie's disease consists of hard, fibrous tissue, called plaques, developing within the penile shaft. The plaques are hard, thickened and stiff areas, actually a kind of internal scarring. In this fibroid tissue also calcium compounds can accumulate, making the plaques even harder.
The Peyronie's disease is also called cavernositis, and also sometimes plastic induration. There is probably a chronic inflammation process that leads to this scarring.
The thickened area has less blood flow than normal penile tissue, and do not fill with blood and swell as the normal spongy areas in the inside of the penis. Therefore the penis swells more at the opposite side, and gets a curvature towards the side containing the plaques when erected.
If the plaques are found at several places, more complex deformations will develop. The abnormal bending, twisting or swelling within the penis, often also lead to painful erections.
Any man from the age of 18 and upwards can develop Peyronie's disease. The average age of men suffering from Peyronie`s disease is 50.
The three main characteristics of cavernositis are:
- One or more small hard lumps underneath the skin, or a continuous hard, stiff and thickened area.
- Abnormal bent or crooked penis when erect. All penises have some curvature, but by this disease, the penile bend increases, and one may get a very curved penis. The penis may be bent as a banana or in an angular fashion. The penile bending is most often up, but may be down, to the left side, to right or sloping.
-The bending is usually to the same side as that of the hard thickened area when the penis is erected.
-The hard areas in the erected penis may look like bumps, making the penis irregular.
- Sometimes the penis bends greatly enough to make sexual intercourse difficult, or impossible.
- Pain during erections caused by the pressure from the hard areas in the penis, or from the stretched skin at the opposite side of the penis.
- One may not notice the bend immediately, as it tends to develop over one to three months and later than the hardness and stiffness of the indurations.
- The plastic induration may progress and cause impotence. Sometimes the Peyroni's disease will clear up by itself, but this may take several years.
The exact cause of the induration is unknown. It's not a sign of an underlying serious condition, and it is not a sexually transmitted infection. It is possible that the disease can begin with an inflammation in the penile tissue. An inflammation may be caused by an allergic or auto-immune reaction. Although the Peyronie's disease is not an infection, an initial infection can damage the penile tissue and cause an inflammation that develops into Peyronie's disease. Men having the inflammatory condition called Systemic Lupus Erytematosus more often get Peyronie's disease.
Vitamin E deficiency seems to be a contributing factor in causing the disease. Diabetes may cause damage of blood vessels, and if this damage occurs in the erectile bodies of the penis, Peyronie's disease can develop. Peyronie's disease is sometimes a side effect of the drug Inderal (propanolol) used against high blood pressure.
Sometimes a physical injury to the penis that causes internal bleeding, or a series of such injuries, is the initial cause. A habit of violent sexual activity may cause such injuries. It is thought that some men may have a genetic disposition to the condition.
Plastic induration of the penis is not a cancer, and cannot cause cancer, however a lump or deformation in your genitals that develops, must be examined.
Not all men with Payronie's disease require treatment. The disease sometimes go away by itself. If the condition is pronounced, it is also difficult to find a remedy that can cure every sign of the disease, but several methods can take away most penis changes associated with Peyronie's. Here is a survey of treatment methods used today.
Tamoxifen - In its early stages of the disease a medication called Tamoxifen has been shown to prevent the formation of the fibrous plaque by Peyronie's disease. This drug is also used in the treatment of breast cancer, but the two conditions are not related.
Vitamin E and B - Vitamin E and B is sometimes effective in easing the pain and as a treatment for the penile deformity by Peyronie's disease.
Verapamil - Verapamil, often used in the treatment of high blood pressure, has been shown to decrease the size of the plaque and decrease the pain when injected directly into the plaque, and thus also improve the penis shape distortion by peyronie's disease.
Shock wave therapy - Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, or ESWT, a new treatment, is being used in some hospitals for the Peyronie's disease. Although the initial results of this new approach to treat Peyronie's disease have been promising, the long-term outcome is still undetermined.
Surgery - This is sometimes considered if Payroni's disease has lasted for a year or more and it hasn't progressed or regressed for at least three months. By the Nesbitt procedure one removes tissue opposite to the curve to straighten the penis. Another procedure involves putting a graft or part of a vein within the fibrous plaque to lengthen this area. In certain cases of Pyrenees disease, surgical insertion of a penile prosthesis (implant) is recommended.
Radiation therapy - This treatment modality has been tried, but the results are unpredictable and sometimes the opposite of the intended one.
Peyronie's Disease and Abnormally Bent Penis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Options
Traction devices - On the market, you can buy mechanical devices to use on the penis some time daily that gently pull upon the penile tissue to straighten out the penis, and thus mending the penis from the curvature caused by Peyronie's disease.
Knut Holt is an internet consultant and marketer focusing on health items. Please visit this web-sites for natural help against common diseases, for example: Genital problems, Peyronie's, over-weight, acne, eczema, hypothyroidism, fatigue, depression, hemorrhoids, joint pain, hypertension, high cholesterol, circulatory problems, digestive ailments, allergies, menstrual problems, respiratory diseases and more:
More advices and products to help for Peyronies disease or problems with the penis shape of other causes:
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Sexually Sensual Areas in The Body of a Man and the Potency for Good Feelings in These Places
There is a widespread misunderstanding by many women, and surprisingly also by many men that boys and men only have sexual feelings in their penis, or even only in their penis head. The reason why many men also carry this misconception is probably that boys often are educated to suppress corporeal sensations and to be hard.
Many erogenous zones in men and boys are best activated when the body is relaxed, and the zones are stimulated in a gentle manner. Gentle stimulation of these zones in a relaxed state can give feelings of pleasure as strong as those in the penis, and can even result in some types of strong orgasmic reactions. Here is a survey of various erotic zones in the male body, and how to stimulate the sensations in these zones. You can stimulate yourself at these zones when masturbating, or the your female or gay partner can do the stimulation work.
The scrotal skin and the content of the scrotum, including the testicles, are sensitive to erotic stimulation. When stimulating these genital parts, take first hold of the scrotum with your whole hand, warming it inside your hand, and massaging it gently by gripping movements. Warming and handling the scrotum gives feelings in the whole genital region. Stimulation of the scrotum also increases the blood circulation and engorgement of all the genital organs around the scrotum.
The testicles are best stimulated by gentle rolling movements with your fingers. Also tickle the scrotal skin with your finger tips. A part of the penis is actually hidden partly inside and partly behind the scrotal sack, by palpating with your finger tips between the testicles or at the side under the scrotum; you can massage this part of the penis. A sharp massage with your finger tips gives the most intense sensations to this hidden root of the penis.
The nipples of a man are important erogenous zones, and a man has tits just as a woman, although the tits of a man are smaller and flatter that those of a woman. Actually a man has all the structures that a woman has in his breasts, but they are not developed to have a milk producing capacity.
This means that a man's breasts have the same erotic capacity as the tits of woman. A man's nipples also have an erective capacity. They rise and get hard upon stimulation. When stimulating a man's breasts, take hold of the breast with your whole hand, warming it inside your hand, and massaging it gently by gripping movements. To stimulate the nipples, massage gently around the nipples with a finger tip. Also squeeze the nipples with your fingers, varying the intensity from the very gentle nip to some harder pressure.
The visible penis is actually a part of a larger body beginning at the prostate region just in front of the anus, and reaches to the tip of the penis. The urethra also goes through this structure. The parts between your legs will engorge when you are sexually exited just as the penis, and when it engorges, the region bulges out between the legs.
Upon mechanical stimulation, this area gives intense pleasurable feelings. You can stimulate this area by squeezing it between your fingers, pressing down against the urethra or massaging up and down along the urethra. You should change between gentle and a little harder handling, as these two manners give rise to different types of feelings.
The navel is an erotic point, and so are the structures in the middle of the belly between the navel and the penis. This structure contains a groove between the belly muscles. The structures in this groove are very sensuous, the so called linea alba. The naval can be stimulated by sticking a finger into it, and by tickling with your finger deep down in the navel. Also here you should alternate between light, gentle, slow tickling, and harder sharper tickling.
This stimulation give sensations that radiate out form the navel to the surroundings, and spreads downwards to the tip of your penis, giving a very funny feeling in your penis. The groove between the navel and the penis, you can stimulate by massaging up and down with the tip of your fingers.
The inner sides of the buttocks in the natal cleft give rise to deep erotic feelings with a very special intimate valor. Move your fingers up and down between the buttocks from the spine to the opposite end between the legs, and gently massage the inner side of each buttock with your finger tips.
You can also concentrate your attention to the region deep inside the cleft very near the anus and tickle these most intimate points with your finger tips. Further you can stretch each buttock to the side so that the butt cleft opens, and the rectal opening is also stretched. The result of these manipulations is erotic sensations that radiate to the whole pelvic area, flow deep inside you and rise upwards along your spine.
The anal region is in many ways the real central of feelings in a man or boy. By stimulating this area in the proper ways, you can create a process that spread waves of intense feelings of joy, pleasure and ecstasy up through the whole body, partly forward to the genitals and belly region, and partly along the spine up to the neck. You best stimulate the rectal opening by very gentle circulatory movements with your finger tips. Alternate between these circulatory movements and the stimulation of the insides of the buttocks.
You can also stick a smeared finger into the anal opening and stimulate by gentle movements in and out. By sticking your finger further inside, you can gently massage the inside walls of the anus. By adding some pressure, your stimulation reaches deep into the tissue around the rectum. All these stimulation give rise to profound feelings radiating to the whole body.
The perhaps most intimate and sensitive zone of a man, is the deep part of the rectum. This zone can be reached by gay intercourse or with a dildo or some other long object. When inserting something in the anus to stimulate this zone, it is necessary to be very cautious so that the intestinal walls are not hurt. However, this zone is so sensitive that even the gentlest stimulation gives an immense depth of feelings, both of physical and psychological kind.
You can stimulate this zone by gently and gradually by inserting a thin smeared dildo, and when fully inserted, very gently move it a little in and out, a little around, or press gently to different sides with the dildo. The more you relax, and the longer you do this stimulation, the deeper and more intense will the feelings grow.
The prostate lies just in front of the anus and the urethra goes through it. This gland produces much of the viscous fluid in the semen. You can stimulate it from the outside by pressing somewhat firmly with your fingers inward just in front of the anus. There is a deepening in this area, just like a little vagina. Press your finger into this groove and a little forward.
You can also stimulate the prostate by inserting your finger into the anus and massage the prostate through the front wall of the anus. The massage releases prostate fluid. Feeling the fluid coming through your urethra and dripping out through you pee-hole, add to the physical excitement. Also the prostate have its own sexual feelings, and prostate massage combined with anal stimulation can induce a form of orgasm that has a much deeper psychological and ecstatic impact than ordinary penile orgasm.
Knut Holt is a international internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and erotism. At this site you can find more health information, products to improve erotic life, products to increase sexual pleasure and natural medicines against many common diseases.
This article can freely be copied and distributed as long as the author's name and a link follow.
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motorbikes -- Alyssa, 00:50:59 11/11/03 Tue
i tried 2 email u but it didnt work so ill do it on here.
Im trying to write a book about a guy that rides offroad motorbikes but i dont really know anything about them so would you or anyone else reading this beable to send me any imformation on the parts, how they work, how you learn to ride, how to set them up, just anything at all, or would u know any good sites that would give me imformation?
if you do email me at
and plz dont think im a freak 4 writing this any one i just really wanna write this book.
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off road riding/motox scrambling -- bigbird., 05:25:22 12/12/02 Thu
I as browsing your web site and found it particularly interesting that you actively encourage illegal use of the environment to pursue your interests.I'm a user of the hills and national parks and all the other areas you seem to feel that motor cross activity is acceptable so long as you dont get caught in the act.This of course because you can afford the bravardo because no-one else can catch you?Very environmentally friendly.Of course it seems that environmental damage doesnt matter either as long as other people put right the damage.Lets be realistic- MANY motor bikes are involved so how can the damage created be controlled?.But of course you riders having such a blast never see this do you?Because you are always too fast and clever to stop and see the real effects of your activity.
Come on , be realistic.Treat the environment properly,and with respect.You people have got your heads stuffed so far up your helmets that you put ostriches to shame.
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Off Road Tracks -- PJ, 03:55:57 09/22/01 Sat
Can anyone recomend somewhere I can get off road, with my 12 year son ! So it has to be legal !! In the Bristol, South Wales, Mendips area !!!
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Hello! -- Essjayar, 07:56:35 06/01/01 Fri
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-Essjayar (Stuart)
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