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Subject: Re: constitutional amendment

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Date Posted: 17:41:17 06/28/01 Thu
In reply to: Jeremy H 's message, "constitutional amendment" on 20:38:42 06/26/01 Tue

>As a Freshman last year I kind of felt that the senator at large was my first real election I voted on. I had had some time to get to know people. I saw the people running for the position of large that were not already holding a postion as some of the most important people to the scholars' atmosphere, as I recall. I felt the election had an aura of a presidential election. Apparently this is a new position. Maybe one way to increase the role and significance of the senator at large could also be done through means of media control and political persuasion. The Council simply selects the Pres? Could someone refresh my memory. What about if the council approves candidates to be elected by Scholars'? They could produce a list. I had some problems with this in High school student council. Some may pertain to this. what I have learned through it all beginning with an objection to a clause in the constitution regulating who could becaome president. I went through a process of a written statement to actually rewriting the constitution, although it was not ratified. I learned that I called the presidential election a popularity contest when I was on the outside but after everything was said and done I realized it was a popularity contest because of what each candidate could offer, who was more attractive to everyone. Popularity and attractiveness are dangerous because of the dangerous repercussions on the democratic process but they are an inevitable aspect of it. It is amazing how some people who would always ignore politics and government rose to the occasion and listened to the speeches in high school. This is why I believe that there is still hope. I believe that these types of elections should be determined by the students yet regulated to insure that obligations are met. This is idealistic ,I also understand how keeping it inhouse is so much better, but I just wanted to say that I have some experience in this matter although it was only in high school.

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[> [> Subject: Re: constitutional amendment

the one and only Jeremy
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Date Posted: 07:27:29 07/01/01 Sun

So I really can't believe that scott and alex actually think that popularity or attractiveness will be a factor bc for half of the college, integrity is everything and the other half uses these qualities as flaws in a person and uses them to categorize said person as superficial. I would also like to think that, in my ideal image of scholars, there would not be any of these sort of shananagans going on. Further more, I don't think that there is enough feedback so let everyone you can know about this. I feel this issue deserves further scrutiny.

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